محیط روشن/خاموش

Everyone is Political

11 654, 16:07 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

With the elections tomorrow I've come to the conclusion that every active citizen of eCanada is political. if you voice an opinion positive or negative and vote but I'm sorry your politcal. The thing I don't understand is that its hypocritical for

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Flame My Point of View

8 653, 12:54 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

Little something I wrote in Banach boys letter on the eCanada forum after much heated debate and the occassional insult.

This place is a much better read than the newspaper comments section. This is like the political funnies section. Your all a

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5 636, 16:00 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

Great job to all those that took part in the liberation of Nova Scotia today. That goes out the the govt of Canada, CAF and all our allies. Keep it up.

So the eUSA is trying to save what it has left as a country. I've read alot about it and I'

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The Time is Not Now

8 631, 18:07 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

I am in the belief that as of now we should not be in eCanada. I love eCanada and I fought everyday to defend her but as of right now living there is just not a smart viable option. For starters no hospital at all. To keep resisting PEACE day to

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Sheep win

11 625, 00:01 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

Well couple minutes left and it looks like the sheep of eCanada won the election. Prideful fools they risk whats left of this country over old anger and spite. You know were in bad shape when the blind are leading the country and the ignorant that

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