محیط روشن/خاموش

Striped Sweaters and Congress

3 1,220, 17:28 روز منتشر شده در Austria Austria

Who’s ready to debate about striped sweaters?! 😃

[img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/15400000/Spongebob-Striped-Sweater-polyvore-clippingg-E2-99-A5-15486356-496-350.jpg [[/img] … بیشتر »

So then, what now?

2 1,194, 20:07 روز منتشر شده در Austria Austria

Ok, I’m going to try once again to have a weekly or bi-weekly, or a ‘whenever I feel like writing articles’ issues. So, I’m sure we’ve all seen Nettoboy’s [url=http://www.erepublik. … بیشتر »

Congressional Elections - oh yeah!

8 1,187, 22:08 روز منتشر شده در Austria Austria

Alright, so it’s that time of the month again for our government. Where you get bombarded with congressional manifestos. However, Mine will be a bit different.

I have run multiple … بیشتر »

The Britannian Online!

4 1,186, 19:16 روز منتشر شده در Austria Austria

I have created a website which will make posting my articles a bit easier as well as provide a bit of background information on myself. Here is the link: http://jeanlouis19.webs.com/

I would like opinions/comments/questions on this new feature

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Jeanlouis for Carinthia Congress Seat! [English/Deutsch]

5 1,158, 18:57 روز منتشر شده در Austria Austria

(English Version)

I hope this election’s manifesto will be more interesting than my last one in which I forgot to add in pictures. In addition, I will go into more detail since I … بیشتر »