White House Press Release #90: Admins Change UK-Norway Outcome

Day 871, 19:31 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Official White House Press Release (#90): Admins Change UK-Norway Outcome

April 9, 2010, Day 871 of the New World.

The contents of this White House Press Release are:

1. UK Takes Over Norway, Decision Reversed

2. Bookmark the CDP Fighting Guide

3. REACH Announces New Director and Spring Blossom Program

UK Takes Over Norway, Decision Reversed

Earlier today, Norway's Vestlandet was taken over by the UK, and subsequently, UK Prime Minister GLaDOS placed a hospital in the region. However, upon learning that the Norwegian presidential election on April 5 was rigged by multiple accounts to vote for the eventual winner (who was taking over the country so that the UK could annex Norway), the admins reversed the decision, giving Vestlandet back to Norway, and keeping the hospital for the Norwegians. In turn, GLaDOS, who was in Vestlandet because of his plan to make the region the country's new fortress (more like failtress), was now out of the country, so he was removed as country president. The admins subsequently gave GLaDOS back the presidency.

We continue to condemn the actions of the UK and Russia to take over Norway. We encourage citizens to move to Norway and help defeat those countries from the east and west.

Bookmark the CDP Fighting Guide

Community Development Program Director Herr Vootsman wrote a detailed guide to fighting. It explains everything necessary to fighting correctly and doing the most damage every day, and it also promotes important newspapers to subscribe to. Please suggest this guide to all newbs and anyone who doesn't have a full grasp on fighting.

REACH Announces New Director and Spring Blossom Program

The Department of the Interior named its new REACH Director, tibbets, earlier today. REACH announced that its first program will be gaining members from Facebook. A new page, titled "eUS Government Hub," was created on Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, please become a fan immediately!

REACH is also looking for people to help with this project. We hope that there will be as many volunteers as possible. We need helpers to work on putting up daily DoD orders, government news, and general national news, as well as to advertise joining eRepublik all over Facebook. If you would like to help, please contact tibbets.

Useful Links
Department of Defense Orders
President Woxan’s Newspaper
Vice President Joe Newton's Newspaper
State Department News
USA Department of the Interior
The Army Times
Mobile Infantry Battle Cry
The Welcoming Committee Newspaper
Flying Unicorn News

This concludes the ninetieth White House Press Release and the fourth of this Presidential term. Be sure to observe DoD Orders, as the world is ever-changing!

Stay Thirsty My Friends,

Mr. Hyphenated
Secretary of the Media

White House Press Secretary

Jimmy Olsen
White House Press Secretary

Ingo Castilho
White House Press Secretary