What Have We Become?

Day 3,969, 16:19 Published in USA USA by Kobble
What Have We Become?

What have we become? An oligarchy? Perhaps a plutocracy? I suppose you could actually call it a botocracy, since some of our good ol’ American ‘democracy’ is run by the amount of bots you can muster during an election. It’s probably best to say that it’s quite an ugly mess of all of them mixed together. Then we ended up slapping that big bowl of mess onto a table and tried serving it to the rest of the world. And what exactly happened? We got slapped in the face; no we got brutalized and we rightly deserved it. Not necessarily because we served the mess to the world, but because we did it with a straight face and without a guilty conscious.

We became decadent and now we are paying for the mistakes we have grievously committed to those out there, friends and foes alike. We finally decided to start down a path of reconciliation and recovery. I saw TheMike as a fresh face from the monotonous line of bland faces that came and went through that high office, passing the baton between pals with skills that were far and few between. And so I decided that was a fellow I could get behind and I did.

Although, doubts began to spring forth after the first few weeks with not much results having taken place, things began to pick up. He finally led us out of the disastrous alliance of Pacifica, that many eAmericans were asking to get out of, and steered us towards allies that were more willing to help. Through his leadership and the hard fighting of many eAmericans and friends we achieved congress once more, and then a second time, and now we hold more states than we’ve had in months. Some may say it’s not enough, but TheMike gave us a fresh start and that is more than we have deserved.

“Take a day off, but not today, tomorrow.”

I write this article to announce more broadly my intention in running for CP. Now you might ask why then have I gone off about our current state and what TheMike accomplished during his tenure. I will tell you why. Because that reconciliation will soon be thrown out the window. Some of us are about to throw out our very salvation. They have not learned their lesson as to why we have been conquered in the first place and seek to repeat the same actions that have doomed us. It was not my initial intention to run, but after my party has backed me to run and seeing that Rainy Sunday is the one chosen to once again be given the responsibility, I saw it as my duty to put effort into this.

“Democracy, pure democracy, has at least its foundation in a generous theory of human rights. It is founded on the natural equality of mankind. It is the cornerstone of the Christian religion. It is the first element of all lawful government upon earth.”

I do not take responsibility and duty, especially that to others, lightly and to see our future to be thrown away after it has been brought back to life by TheMike has my heart ache. I come from the Black Sheep Party, where hold the value of freedom and democracy above all others. I pain that we are going to lose the very chance at recovery TheMike and our fellow eAmericans have fought for so diligently. I implore my fellow eAmericans to make a wise choice in this next election. To not follow blindly after your leaders, but to open your hearts and minds. Think for yourself and do not allow those in power to brainwash you. This is your enation and we must keep it dear to us.

"To sit home, read one's favorite paper, and scoff at the misdeeds of the men who do things is easy, but it is markedly ineffective. It is what evil men count upon the good men's doing."

Within the coming days before the election I will go into detail of my intentions if the the responsibility and duty of eCP were granted to me by my fellow eAmericans. For now, open your minds and keep thinking forward.

“The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy.”