The faces of Canada (VII)

Day 3,878, 05:17 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

eCanada is made of many different people from all over the world. The people who play are individuals who have their own reasons for logging in each day, and who play in a different way.

The Faces of Canada interview series was formed with the goal of getting to know some of these people.

Today the person we have up for an interview is Exalted Druid!

First things first, we asked a few questions to get to know Exalted Druid.

1. Are you from Canada in real life? If not, what country are you from?

Yes my family is Canadian for many generations now. On my Mom’s French side we go back to the 1600’s in Quebec with First Nations mixed in as well.

2. What initially brought you to eRepublik?

I was playing another game and had gotten close with a team of players and we were getting bored and looking for something new to do and one of the players suggested this game. Only one other of our original group remains now.

3. Toilet Paper: Over or Under?

Whatever my wife says but I’m sure whatever I do is wrong.

4. Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt?

I prefer Ice cream and preferably one with Caramel.

5. If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint?

Probably Harrison Lake from the front patio of the Hot Springs Resort. The view is always amazing and someone is always bringing me alcohol so I get very euphoric in that moment looking out over the lake and mountains. I spend a lot of my summer weekends up there.

Now that we have a bit better of an idea of Exalted Druid, we went into eRepublik related questions.

1. What is your main play style in eRepublik? (Fighting, War, Working, Training, Media, Politics, Company management, etc.)

My style is to win the game for eCanda which eCanada already did.

2. What is the reason you keep logging on?

Well after eCanada won the game after Resource Wars I just wanted to make sure certain characters did not destroy what we had built together. Most of that threat has died.

3. How did you stumble upon eCanada?

It was my only choice being Canadian in my opinion.

4. What has kept you to stay in eCanada?

I know lots of players who have left eCanada temporarily during one crisis or another. I always preferred to stay and fight for what I wanted.

5. Which feature of eCanada would you say is the best feature?

Good rental income, good resources and complete security.

6. What part of eCanada do you think needs improvement?

Well that is more of a game problem then a eCanada problem. Personally I would like to see a way forward to make communes profitable and worthwhile again. Communes created great sense of community that the game sorely misses now.

7. Do you have any regrets from your time playing eRepublik?

No, I am on the computer all day a work so taking a peak at eRep occasionally breaks up the day. The money maybe, but not the time.

8. Do you have any advice for those reading?

Make as many friends as you can in game and then the games becomes alive in the shoutbox.

9. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Got nothing, Thanks.

And with that, the interview with Exalted Druid ended. Thank you for your time and for being willing to answer these questions.

This has been the final installment of The Faces of Canada! I hope you all enjoyed and feel like you are slightly more connected with the community.