The faces of Canada (IV)

Day 3,866, 05:07 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

eCanada is made of many different people from all over the world. The people who play are individuals who have their own reasons for logging in each day, and who play in a different way.

The Faces of Canada interview series was formed with the goal of getting to know some of these people.

Today the person we have up for an interview is Thedillpickl, who has decided to go on an eVacation to the eUK!

First things first, we asked a few questions to get to know Thedillpickl.

1. Are you from Canada in real life? If not, what country are you from?

From the U.S., Missouri to be more exact.

2. What initially brought you to eRepublik?

Boredom. I had lost my job and after hunting all day I'd get on the internet. Forget what I had Googled but ended up here.

3. Toilet Paper: Over or Under?

Over, most definitely.

4. Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt?

Ice Cream.

5. If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint?

Early morning, predawn, a bit of pink in the eastern sky. Fog slowly lifting off the perfectly still lake as I begin to run my trotline.

Now that we have a bit better of an idea of Thedillpickl, we went into eRepublik related questions.

1. What is your main play style in eRepublik? (Fighting, War, Working, Training, Media, Politics, Company management, etc.)

Started out becoming a corporate tycoon, had 65 employees at peak. Econ fix (WaM) took care of that. I got active writing articles and working in United Independents Party. Several terms in U.S. Congress, several more terms as Congress Whip. Finally was Deputy Chief of Staff for fingerguns.

Deadend in U.S. politics so moved, along with Pickle's Patriots MU to Switzerland. Did just about every job there, MoF, MoD, MoFA, CP twice. Had a faling out, some claimed Pickles were a PTO. Actually they were lazy and just let us run the country.

Moved to Canada and went to work, Started the Shaved Beaver Party. Ended up with 2 more terms as CP. By this time Pickle's Patriots were mostly gone. I got bored again and went to Australia for awhile. More jobs and one more CP medal. Moved briefly to Ireland but did nothing there. Finally asked Canada if they'd take me back, intending to retire here as my best times were playing as Canadian. Now I just help out where I can. Mostly as MoFA 'cause I like talking. 😃

2. What is the reason you keep logging on?

Stupidity or to keep in touch with friends. Pick one.

3. How did you stumble upon eCanada?

Swiss and Canada were friends back then. Because of FA and CP jobs I learned to appreciate Canadian way of doing things.

4. What has kept you to stay in eCanada?

Like I said, went to Australia and Ireland but couldn't find another country that would put up with my crap. Here I am more or less "normal". lol

5. Which feature of eCanada would you say is the best feature?


6. What part of eCanada do you think needs improvement?

Foreign Affairs, the guy is worthless.

7. Do you have any regrets from your time playing eRepublik?

Not having a suitable income to do it right.

8. Do you have any advice for those reading?

Play the game, don't let it play you.

9. What is your proudest accomplishment?

People trust me. I play (for the most part) as I am in real life. There are people from several real countries that simply believe me. Over time I've earned their trust. Makes me feel good.

And with that, the interview with Thedillpickl ended. Thank you for your time and for being willing to answer these questions. Look forward to our next interviewee and the next edition of The Faces of Canada.

And as an aside, here is the second version of how to be a Canadian: