The faces of Canada (II)

Day 3,858, 05:12 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

eCanada is made of many different people from all over the world. The people who play are individuals who have their own reasons for logging in each day, and who play in a different way.

The Faces of Canada interview series was formed with the goal of getting to know some of these people.

Today the person we have up for an interview is Lawkee!

First things first, we asked a few questions to get to know Lawkee.

1. Are you from Canada in real life? If not, what country are you from?

Yes I yesn't

2. What initially brought you to eRepublik?

The promise of glory, fun, and Temujin's butt.

3. Toilet Paper: Over or Under?


4. Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt?


5. If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint?

Moraine Lake, Alberta. Ah, and also Temujin's butt.

Now that we have a bit better of an idea of Lawkee, we went into eRepublik related questions.

1. What is your main play style in eRepublik? (Fighting, War, Working, Training, Media, Politics, Company management, etc.)

Currently - fighting. Pew Pew, mother effers.

2. What is the reason you keep logging on?

Because of addiction. And Temujin's dickpics in my mailbox.

3. How did you stumble upon eCanada?

I was born in it. Molded by it.

4. What has kept you to stay in eCanada?

See the answer to question #2 from the top.

5. Which feature of eCanada would you say is the best feature?

We're a faithful, kind and cool ally.

6. What part of eCanada do you think needs improvement?

Our border with the USA, it needs a big beautiful wall.

7. Do you have any regrets from your time playing eRepublik?

Don't think so.

8. Do you have any advice for those reading?

For $1, you can buy a candy bar from a vending machine. For $2, you can buy a brick, and get all the candy in the vending machine.

9. Why are you so awesome, cool and gorgeous?

Heh *snort*

And with that, the interview with Lawkee ended. Thank you for your time and for being willing to answer these questions. Look forward to our next interviewee and the next edition of The Faces of Canada.