The faces of Canada (I)

Day 3,854, 10:39 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

eCanada is made of many different people from all over the world. The people who play are individuals who have their own reasons for logging in each day, and who play in a different way.

The Faces of Canada interview series was formed with the goal of getting to know some of these people.

The first person we have up for an interview is Lady Silver!

First things first, we asked a few questions to get to know Lady Silver.

1. Are you from Canada in real life? If not, what country are you from?

I live in USA

2. What initially brought you to eRepublik?

A friend from another online game I used to play referred me.

3. Toilet Paper: Over or Under?


4. Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt?


5. If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint?

English garden in Spring

Now that we have a bit better of an idea of Lady Silver, we went into eRepublik related questions.

1. What is your main play style in eRepublik? (Fighting, War, Working, Training, Media, Politics, Company management, etc.)

Fighting, working, training. No politics.

2. What is the reason you keep logging on?


3. How did you stumble upon eCanada?

Formerly I was in a very toxic environment in another country and was interested in finding a laid back country.

4. What has kept you to stay in eCanada?

The laid back nature and willingness to keep us informed and support for new players.

5. Which feature of eCanada would you say is the best feature?

Helping new players and keeping all of us informed on when and where we need to be fighting.

6. What part of eCanada do you think needs improvement?

I am not sure about this.

7. Do you have any regrets from your time playing eRepublik?

I regret spending so much time and effort in the toxic environment of another country.

8. Do you have any advice for those reading?

#1 thing to do: Concentrate on upgrading training grounds.

9. Is there anything you'd really like to say or get off your chest?

Whiners and bullies piss me off. Stop whining and trying to make your own set of rules for this game. i.e.: anyone who comes in after first minute of battle cannot take BH or SH. PUH LEASE! The whining just displays your spinelessness and weakness. STOP!!

And with that, the interview with Lady Silver ended. Thank you for your time and for being willing to answer these questions. Look forward to our next interviewee and the next edition of The Faces of Canada.