swiss news: my plans for the swiss presidency. (once again)

Day 4,485, 17:24 Published in Switzerland Ireland by chris jonadicus

dear swiss people and friends, hello:
i have decided once again to run for the swiss presidency, on behalf of my party. (SFP)

if i win, i shall be a reasonable and helpful CP, i will listen to all ideas, to all suggestions and thoughts, and i will have a good debate with my fellow congressmen+colleagues, regardless of their rank or party.

my plans in a shorter version will be:

-i will once again try to strengthen our ties with our allies, and to form many MPP's, if needed. (or few MPP's, if the congress prefers to keep things into a more reasonable level of expenses).

-i will try to maintain 1 TW for our e-country during my CP tenure, while i will respect any TW's/agreements that were here by the previous CP's term/cabinet, until they expire, and then we can discuss with which e-country we shall have our new TW with.

(preferrably 1 TW per session/CP tenure)

-speaking of which, i shall seek out new allies and new, friendly countries that will want to help out country to remain free, independent and safe from any threats, while i will maintain our excellent relations with our already existing friends/allies/friendly countries that assist us.

-i will maintain the good relations with our partners in the ''nebula'' alliance, while i will sign the MPP's+agreements with them, upon im asked to do so by the congress, and only if i will have its direct approval.

-i will maintain the stability in this country, and just like our predecessors did, i will propose some fresh new ideas and plans in order to kickstart our activity in the swiss community/in the game in general, with the help of rican +other veterans, ofcourse.

-i will keep the work/house taxes low, and our economy will be excellent.

-i will try to form new incentives for new players of e-switzerland, such as food giveaways, or training programms (funded by the swiss goverment while i will consult rican+other e-swiss benefactors on this subject: and if we decide to go through with this, it will ONLY happen with the congresses approval.)

more on this later on, and i will definitely discuss this with rican and with the people of the congress, as new ''help for new players'' and a potential ''baby boom'' initiatives will begin soon.

-i really wanted to start an ''air-fighters supplies'' initiative in the past, so that our new swiss air-fighters could perform well in most of their air battles in the future, but im uncertain if this idea can get off the ground now (no pun intended).

more on this, as i will discuss it again with the congress.

-also, like before, i will appoint an active +reliable player as our new MoED (minster of education), and i will ask from him/her to post articles about switzerlands state daily (or weekly), and to report recent events, news, updates, and to also mention any new incentive program which will aim to bring in more new people in switzerland (and to strengthen our weaker players too), so that our country will grow stronger and larger in numbers.

-i will keep an active and helpful group of people in my goverment's cabinet.
(as always)

and i will generally try to keep our economy strong, our defences steady, and to keep our old+new alliances and MPP's intact.

i will have many good members on my team/goverment's cabinet, such as:
rican (the legendary player+my friend), tim buctu, liakouris, vincent rekdal, thrakiwtis55 and many more people.
everyone will be welcome to discuss things+plans with me, regardless of their party/position.

(the final form+list of my cabinet will be posted soon after the elections, if i win)

to not dwell on this topic any longer, i will simply be reasonable and open to discussion and to all (good) ideas for our e-country, while i will always ask rican and my friends for govermental advice, so i will be a logical and reasonable CP.

so, if you saw my good job as your CP in my previous terms, and you wish to keep switzerland safe and stable, then vote for me as your CP, and for the SFP!

thats all, have a nice day, and stay active.

plz let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section, and please comment/vote/endorse+subscribe to my newspaper.

as for subscriptions,
(i sub for subs, so lets help eachother to reach the 1000+ subs achievement!)
until then,

-chris j. swiss player. (and proud member of SFP)