rainy reflections

Day 941, 16:47 Published in USA Netherlands by rainy sunday
News Alert: All Citizens are strongly advised to change the passwords to your citizen and organization accounts due to a security breach.
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As a nation, we collectively face the daily challenge of reaching out to each new citizen who enters with something that will entice them to return day after day. And to be perfectly honest, I do not believe the answer lies in more and more bulk junk mail and bureaucratic paperwork. If there is a lesson to be learned from real life bureaucracy, it's that people inevitably get tangled up in red tape or slip through the cracks in the system. The answer begins with you. It isn't the acts of your Commanding Officer, Party President, state representative or national leaders that will ultimately keep you interested or engaged in e-life. It is your own curiosity, desire to explore and a healthy imagination that will make this world open it's doors to you. With a bit of patience, perseverance and a mind open to diverse ideas and viewpoints, you will thrive.

During my time in Congress and working under the Administration, I've witnessed power struggles and internal wars within and between political parties, between independent groups and the government, between the three branches of government and between leaders of alliance nations. I am not a member of the US Military but associates affirm they too suffer at times from infighting. All of this behavior is natural given the competitive nature of The Game and the predictability of human ambition but accomplishes little in creating a united front. And it certainly isn't enticing to a newcomer to walk into the middle of a shitstorm.

If you are a new-ish citizen and wish to become a respected leader, a few tips from my vantage-point:

1) Check your RL baggage at the door: If you take yourself too seriously, no one else will.

2) Demonstrate knowledge of how the game works (oft referred to as Game Mechanics) and, more importantly, the willingness to learn.

3) Excel in an area that interests you by contributing something worthwhile to the community: this may be time, talent or tools; all three are advisable if you're capable.

4) Pace yourself: Do not be overly ambitious early on, it takes time to digest all there is to learn and explore the community to find your niche. Alternatively, do not become too ambivalent or apathetic...you will surely die of boredom.

5) Make FRIENDS. This goes without saying but is extremely important for many reasons. Information travels quickly in eRepublik and the more friends you have, the more quickly you can spread and receive news. Listen to their shouts with a discerning ear and use your own voice wisely.

6) Volunteer to do some “grunt work”; your efforts do not go unnoticed. Don't take on tasks that are more than you can realistically manage. (We all have real lives; resigning or declining a position is respectable, leaving a position unmanned or without notice is not if it can be helped at all.)

eRepublik is a multi-faceted game and like all games should bring enjoyment to the players. What is interesting to note are the variety of playing styles, some speak in terms of role players vs. mechanists; some play the game modules like a chess board, every move methodical and measured far in advance, while others play as international diplomats and dignitaries from the comfort of home, many forming real life friendships from around the globe. Some wish to apply real-life concepts in a virtual setting and some wish to challenge the mechanical limitations of the game. And then there are the ever-present trolls and their audience, the lurkers. At times, you may find yourself in any one of these categories.
The greatest leaders are a finely-tuned machine of all of these elements.

That's just my opinion...I could be wrong.

yours, always with a song in my heart

If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one
Drying in the colour of the evening sun
Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away
But something in our minds will always stay
Perhaps this final act was meant
To clinch a lifetime's argument
That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could
For all those born beneath an angry star
Lest we forget how fragile we are

On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are how fragile we are