Obnova ciklusa sahovskih sampionata

Day 4,721, 22:46 Published in Serbia Serbia by Dejan Rackov 1999

Dragi ljubitelji saha,
Sa zadovoljstvom vam predstavljamo obnovljeni ciklus sahovskih sampionata i pozivamo vas da ucestvujete! Po uzoru na turnire koje je dugi niz godina organizovao Sasa Kostic, zajedno sa prvim covekom poljskog saha, Damio-m, dosao sam na ideju da nastavimo ovu tradiciju. Kako smo vec na kraju ove kalendarske godine, te imamo vremena za samo jos jedan sampionat, ovaj ce nam posluziti za probu i vracanje u ritam. U planu je bilo da se u toku kalendarske godine organizuje 6 turnira, na svaka dva meseca - januar, mart, maj, jul, septembar i novembar, ali je na zalost ciklus za 2020. prekinut, te se julski i septembarski turniri nisu odrzali, a ovo je poziv za ucesce u novembarskom turniru, koji krece 03.11.2020.

Propozicije ostaju iste:
1)Igra se po svajcarskom sistemu, 7 ili 9 kola, u zavisnosti od broja prijava
2)Igra se na sajtu lichess.org
3)Tempo igre je 15 minuta po igracu
4)Kako bismo osigurali postenu igru i objektivno resavanje bilo kakvih sporova medju igracima, postoji arbitarski tim, a pozivnice za njega bice izdate odmah po izdavanju ovog clanka
5)Turnir pocinje 03.11.2020.
6)Na kraju turnira bice izvrseno glasanje za najlepsu partiju turnira, sa nagradom od 20 golda


S obzirom da je ovo privatni poduhvat, sve donacije su dobrodosle i u potpunosti ce biti iskoristene za nagrade na turnirima
Srpska Saborna Stranka...................................100.000cc
Ministarstvo Obrazvanja eSrbije...................100.000cc
Anonimni donator...............................................100.000cc
Branjo Ruman 12cm.................................................42.069
Vazne napomene
-Nagrade se dele na osnovu konacnog plasmana
-Nagrade dobijaju iskljucivo igraci koji odigraju sve svoje partije ili ne odigraju najvise jednu partiju


Dear chess lovers,
It is our pleasure to present to you the renewal of the chess championship circuit and invite you to take part! Inspired by the series of tournaments organized by Sasa Kostic for a number of years, together with the first man of Polish chess, Damio, I came to the idea to continue this tradition. As we are already at the end of this calendar year, so we have time for just one tournament, this one will serve as a trial and a way to get back into the rhythm. The plan was to organize 6 tournament during the calendar year, each two months - January, March, May, July, September and November, but sadly, the circuit for 2020 was discontinued, so the tournaments for July and September were not played, and this is an invitation to join the November tournament, starting November 3rd, 2020.

Rules of play
The rules stay the same:
1)Swiss system, 7 or 9 rounds, depending on the number of applicants
2)We are playing on lichess.org
3)Time control is 15 minutes per player
4)To ensure fair play and objective resolution of any arguments between players, there is an arbiter team, invitations to which will be sent after this article is published
5)The tournament starts on November 3rd, 2020
6)At the end of the tournament, we will vote for the brilliancy prize, the most beautiful game, with the reward of 20 gold


Considering this is a private endeavor, any donations are welcome, and will be used fully to fund the rewards for the tournaments
Srpska Saborna Stranka...................................100.000cc
Ministarstvo Obrazvanja eSrbije...................100.000cc
Anonimni donator...............................................100.000cc
Branjo Ruman 12cm.................................................42.069
Important disclaimers
-Rewards are determined by the final rank of players
-Only the players who have played all their games or missed at most one game will receive their rewards