Ladies and gentlemen, Can I please have your attention...

Day 2,054, 22:08 Published in Canada Poland by TheSocialistChicken

TSC is dropped off by chopper at the eCBW's Vancouver corporate head quarters.

I am out of eComa and ready to serve eCanada once again. I maintain my job, but had my hours cut back. This is bittersweet, as I will not make as money as I had hoped, But it enables me to come back. I know I only missed 2 weeks but It feels like it's been months. I'm suffering from eRepublik withdrawal.

Not much has happened in these past two weeks in my RL. The biggest event was Canada day. I put my car in my town's annual show and shine. Here's some footage. my car can be glimpsed at :37, it's the dark green 4 door next to the lime green and black truck. I some how got caught by the cameraman while I was controlling traffic at 2:34. I'm the son of the fire department's only female officer, so she conscripted me into traffic control duty. The show was going smoothly until an aluminium balloon got snagged in between 2 power lines in the middle of our town's centennial park. Electricity arced between the line and the balloon and the balloon blew up. An article of the whole incident can be found here.

The biggest thing to happen since I left eRep is the occupation of the USA by TWO. Things certainly aren't going our way. Another change up is coming in home politics. It appears that this month was a failure. Our baby boom failed to over come losses attributed to Game attrition and eCanada's occupation. Now that we have Pat at the head of the country, we will hopefully see some progress.

I apologize for the short length of this article, But there isn't much to say. I'm back and I'm happy to be back.

Reporting for the eCanadian Business Weekly, This is the walking,breathing SocialistChicken. Stay Classy eCanada!

TSC giving an interview on an underground San diego TV station regarding his Coma and the state of energy usage in a small town in an alternate universe