irish news: lvl 50, ireland's CP and pacifica!

Day 5,535, 15:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by chris jonadicus

Dear friends, hello.

Once again, we look what happened, in the news of e-ireland, of the e-world, and of other things too.

First of all, i've reached level 50 a while ago, back in mid-novemember, and after that point, i've stopped being a Div 2 soldier, and im now a fresh DIv 3 soldier!

its tougher to get ahead in battles now, but the rewards are higher when i win, so its OK.

(i think that Div 4 will be the truly hardest and more diffucult division to deal with in battles TBH, so we will see how that goes, if i will get to the lvl 70 at some point...)

do you have any advices on how i should deal now with my Div 3 status?
what should i do? for what should i look for?

and if i reach lvl 100 one day, what tactics should i follow after that?

normally the dream would be to reach lvl 100 and to become an elite player, and then to reach lvl 200, so that the daily training can be free forever.

Also, in other news, i see alot of buzz happening with e-sweden and the
nobelkommitten. what are your thoughts on this new situation?
personally, i find it very interesting.

Secondly, i've been meaning to ask you, what is pacifica's role/stance in the general diplomacy of the e-world?
our alliance, pacifica, has been one of the oldest out there, and it has many cool e-nations in it, ours included : from e-poland, e-indonesia, e-china (taiwan), to our sweet e-ireland, e-austria, and e-finland.

its worth mentioning that e-austria used to be in the epic alliance nebula, which was a small, yet independent alliance of small nations. its main participants were e-austria, e-switzerland, e-belarus and the e-czech republic.

but after e-switzerland decided to abandon nebula (a wrong move, in my humble opinion), e-belarus got taken over by a dictatorship and they too left nebula, while the e-czech republik got reeled in by its (then) CP to abandon nebula almost closely to when the e-swiss did, and lastly, e-austria, left alone in a historical, yet crumbled alliance decided to leave it as well and to seek a new path elsewhere.

the leader of nebula, prince of austria, was always a good person and a very skilled player of the game, but also a superb leader for e-austria's politics and social life, along with the daily duties that he had as the leader of the nebula alliance.

and now, both e-austria and other countries are in pacifica.
so my question remains.
what is pacifica's stance in the global diplomacy?
do we, as pacifica support/oppose anyone in particular, or do we run a peaceful path as a neutral alliance, a middle power that holds its ground well against any foreign intervention?

lastly, i should state that the CP elections of january have been very exciting :
from a total of 39 votes, it was 21 votes for our CP nerusia, of the ''eire aonair'' party, while kaitlinn of the ''ad hoc ireland party'', got 18 votes.

a very close CP election match!
i cant wait to see what happens next month...

as a sidenote, our party, the ''irish kindness party'' (IKP), is still standing strong, from the 4th and 5th positions in the e-irish ranks, and we still have a good presence in the e-irish congress.

we will always help and serve e-ireland!

plz let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section, and please comment/vote/endorse+subscribe to my newspaper.

as for subscriptions: plz subscribe to my newspaper+ tell it to other people too...
(i sub for subs, so lets help eachother to reach the 1000+ subs achievement!)
until then,

-chris j. an irish player.