Interview With Kronos Q

Day 1,538, 13:55 Published in Canada Canada by ultimate523

Greetings, everyone. My newspaper hasn't been nearly as active as I had planned, but it's still been better than nothing. This article will be my first interview in what I hope will be a very successful series of them.

Of course, I figured I might as well start big, so my first is with the man who will most likely be our CP quite soon. He is a 15 time congress member, former CP, and current PP of EPIC, Kronos Q.

What qualities do you most value, and respect in others, and what do you feel are your best qualities?

I value consistency and reliability. Consistency being of actions, activity, and ideas. If you are consistent in what you do, that's a sign that you're also confident in what you do. Plus, it's always more worthwhile interacting with those who are consistent. Reliability being those you can trust, where there is an understanding, and that you can count on them if you need any help.

I find it tough to pick out my own best qualities.. but I would say consistency, finesse, and geniality.

Why did you first decide to join eRepublik?

I used to play another browser-game. So when I stopped playing that, I had a bunch of free time on my hands. I thought I'd try another game and play casually for some fun, but that "casually" kind of got out of hand 😛

Where did you come up with your name?

At the time that I was creating this account, I had been listening to a new band that I quite enjoyed. I named this account after them.

Do you have any memories of eRepublik that you feel were important to you?

Being a person with a bad memory.. hmm. I remember after getting my first job, my employer (Petz, I think it was) sending me a message welcoming me to the game and explaining a few basics. That message showed me that this was a game, and a community, where players cared about each other. Where it was to each others' benefits to help others along. That's something that I liked about this game, and that idea is something that has helped me plenty.

Why did you decide to become EPIC PP?

I wanted to become EPIC's PP to continue upholding EPIC's traditions and help to invigorate the party a bit, and since many were unhappy with the previous PP. Although this CP campaign took me up by storm, so I wasn't quite able to do all that I had wanted. Thankfully, Nosyt and Chamrajnagar were able to help out where it was needed 🙂

You've been in congress several times now. How do you feel you've done in congress in the past?

Some terms have definitely been better than others. I find that I was more active and [obviously] more eager in Congress during my earlier terms, where I was more likely to lead the discussions. Whereas in my later terms, I pop in and out of discussions providing my opinion or an idea where it's needed. But overall, I feel that I've done well. There are rarely any objections to my actions as a Congress-member, and most other Congress-members seem to find me agreeable in Congress. I have been elected as Speaker of Congress once before, but every few terms they try to elect me to it again 😉

What have you liked most about being in congress?

I'm not sure. Congress is the place where those who are more likely to have greater experience and stronger opinions about eCanada discuss. So I suppose being able to debate with other players like this is the thing to enjoy about being in Congress. It allows us all to see a larger view of eCanada, as we all have our own perspectives about it, so I like being able to learn about all the other viewpoints of our nation.

As an older player, how do you feel eCanada has developed over time?

eCanada changes the quickest only when game-mechanics require it to change. eCanada is very caught up in some of it's "traditions", so it is difficult to interpret how eCanada has developed. The general attitudes of eCanadians is something that has developed over time. Again, bad memory, so I may not be the best older player to ask this of, but the attitude change is almost that of being less concered about the country as a whole and more concerned with just their immediate group. Again, probably partly due to game changes. Such as MUs: when there weren't any MUs, soldiers would look to the MoD or CP for battle orders and it would be the country as a whole fighting. With MUs, soldiers don't need to look at far for orders, and don't need to be concerned about what the MoD says when it's to their benefit to just listen to the Regiment Captain. Our monkeyshperes have shrunk. Alas, this both has it's advantages and it's disadvantages.

How do you feel you did as CP in the past, and what specifically do you feel was good, or bad about it?

I did alright. There was nothing grandiose about my previous term, but then again, the situation of the eWorld at the time made it hard to do anything grandiose. I was bad at communication, which was pointed out rather quickly. I was good at stability and "reconstruction". The term previous to mine (January, 2011), there was scandal afoot, the treasury was stolen, and the President was impeached. So most of my term was ensuring things were back on track and rekindling our relations with our neighbours, instead of waving my hands around saying how good of a CP I was. Most people found that I did well for the situation.

What was it like being CP, and was it different from how you expected? If so, in what ways?

My term was fairly unique in terms of Presidencies. It was during my last term that the players of eRepublik, as a whole, held a "No War Strike". The frustration with the Admins was high enough that nations were agreeing to stop their wars in order to hurt the Admins' pocketbook and get their attention. Something like 15 Presidents were banned that month. So it was certainly different than I was expecting.

Even other than that, it was still different. It's more hectic than I expected it to be, and it took up much more time to cater to everyone than I had hoped for.

Why have you decided to run for CP again, and what are your main goals?

It started out as a joke, since February is the one-year anniversary of my previous term. But after seeing the number of people that said they'd support me, and that February isn't too tough a month for me school-wise, I decided to do it for real.

My main goal is to bring political activity to the spotlight in eCanada. It's something that has generally been ignored for far too long, and it's something that I would like to see more people focusing on in the future.

What makes you different from the other CP candidates in this next election?

My plans are concrete. I know exactly how I will carry through with accompishing them, and I know that they are feasible within one month. They may not be as ambitious as plans the other candidates have, but they are the smaller steps that are needed before making that great leap.

Is there anything else you'd like to mention to the readers?


I'm planning on having more interviews in the future, hopefully the near future. I don't have anyone specific lined up, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to hunt someone down quickly, and get them. If you have any constructive feed back it would be appreciated. I'd like to improve on things as much as possible.

Thanks for reading,
