In Memory...

Day 3,931, 07:33 Published in Netherlands Canada by Mann551


Though we fought often with each other. Everyday, actually. We were always there for each other. Through the good times and the bad. Through airstrikes, resets, and all the admin changes one could make, we stuck beside each other, still fighting sure, but there for each other nonetheless.

And though times may be changing, and we are moving back home, we want you to know that we will always be there for you, through the thick and thin. We may come to visit again in the future, but for now, life is calling us in a different direction.

Know that we are not doing this because we got tired of you. Quite the opposite, we are saddened by the need to leave. You were such a welcoming host and it is with heavy hearts that we must depart. I suppose all good things must come to an end.

No matter what the eWorld throws our way, do not despair, because we will always be friends forever.

Your brother Canada