If I were a noob......

Day 4,725, 14:13 Published in USA USA by Jackosbournelookalike

I would question many many things, for example, 1. What soldier ever has to buy their own Weapons? shouldn't Governments support their own military or at a minimum Military units? Economies are tricky, Erepublik is notorious for not attempting to balance the economic aspects of the game in fact they usually do the opposite of balance it and they force players to have to spend money on it. if a new player wants to play economically then there is no hope unless a new player wants to spend say 1k euro or more in rl on packages. then they could say break into a q5-q7 industry and then competition would stomp out any short term immediate gains. On to other things, why would a new player even care about Military might at all? they will never get a Battle hero medal unless they buy a massive amount of packages and energy bars and spend literally hundreds to thousands of dollars. Of course the only die hard players to remain are those who know nobody will ever beat them in anything they have too much. new players want to be able to have the feeling of winning, in this game the only winners are the elitists players here from the beginning. Back to warfare and new players though. Following the tutorial/missions that new players get, you are instructed to build a weapons factory produce your own weapons, and train every day. work every day and fight for your country every day. Now any new player will instantly see the very first time they fight that it's impossible to be better than anyone who started before them.

Proposals for change mean absolutely nothing here. Since it's players vs. crickets when you ask for changes in this game. However, I would propose that mechanics changes could bring new life to this game....

1. Remove all weapons from the market temporarily and return them to players inventory
2. Create a new market for weapons that only Governments have access to.
3. Allow Government to grant Military units access to this new market.
4. Make listing of weapons only show average price and use a bid/ask system for listings.
5. Allow everyone to list weapons to this market through storage until all players no longer have inventory or give players credit for all weapons in inventory.
6. Consider converting all players weapons companies to some sort of other game benefits to all players.
7. offer options to players with weapons businesses an ability to "buy into the weapons market.
8. Make Battle Hero medals come from extraordinary events that happen in battle not just the player with the most damage, in Real life you could get a medal for bravery not just how many you kill.... Example: allow a player to choose an enemy to fight from online enemies, if the payer survives the encounter boom a medal.

I could go on and on, however what's the use? Erepublik = dead game......

Thanks for reading! Everyone have a good day!

P.S. if I were a new player I'd quit my second day!