Day 1,072, 12:57 Published in USA Netherlands by rainy sunday
Theme music? be happy.

Surprise! Another Kongress election review segment

Oktober Kongress elections resulted in six SEES members representing the greatest party of all time. of all time.

FUTREL in Chongqing
FUTREL, a 20 time Hard Worker, celebrated his 2nd eRepublik birthday in August 2010. It pleases me greatly to see FUTREL return to office for his second term and I know I look forward to hearing more from him. Subscribe to FUTREL’s paper here: Chongqing Politics

Glove in West Bengal
If you don’t already know Glove is Q5, you need to get your head examined. Glove’s platform was quite possibly the single most patriotic statement I’ve seen in a while. If you missed it, here’s your second chance.

Joseph Scarn in Wisconsin
Joseph Scarn began his eRepublik career with a clear understanding of what it takes for a nation to succeed, placing national interests before self. Former leader of the Ultra Nationalist party and experienced in the international and political arena, I expect Mr. Scarn will represent SEES well in the halls of US Kongress. Subscribe to Joseph’s paper here: Czech Mix

Kurzemes Karalis Kristaps in Iowa
I welcomed KKK to Americka several months ago. KKK immigrated to the US from his homeland of Latvia to join SEES. A well-accomplished citizen in his own right, he has proven to be a valuable asset to SEES SS and someone I’m happy to call my friend . Today, it is with great pride I welcome him to the 35th term of US Kongress. Subscribe to KKK` paper here: Kurzemes Karaliskais.

Max Wallingbottom III in West Virginia
This man really needs no introduction, Walli-san is pure Quality. Dedicated, sharp and attentive to detail, Max Wallingbottom III returns for round 2 this term.
Subscribe to Walli’s paper here: General Lee Speaking

Pearlswine in Ohio
Pearlswine is inarguably a national treasure. If you aren’t familiar with Pearlswine, it’s safe to consider him one of our founding fathers. Holder of 24 hard worker medals, Pearl returns to serve a fourth term in Kongress after a lengthy hiatus. When Pearl speaks, you’d be wise to pay attention. You can subscribe to Pearlswine’s paper here: The 4th Street Journal

Special thanks to Nicholas Ryan for being such a kickass elections direktor. It’s all too often a thankless job but one that is critical in our effort to keep our nation secure from dastardly evil-doers. Thanks for a job well done by all SEES candidates and blockers. Unfortunately, not everyone deserving of a seat got in this term, such is the way of life in a land plagued by the filth of the pig.
Great News:Now is a great time to start preparing for next month’s elections. Submit your SEES Kongress application today.

I’d like to respond to some fairly heated debate I came across in the comments of Vladimir Alexei’s Thank You article concerning his win of the North Carolina race. Yesterday morning I did in fact congratulate Vlad on his victory. Leaving the debate whether he should or should not resign for others to engage in, I only ask he do one thing if he chooses to stay on. Do the job well. otherwise, consider yourself warned. that is all.

OH LOOK! Some Party Updates

SEES blocs return. Party members, be on the look-out for a message with full details. If you’re a SEES member not currently in the official party or are temporarily outside of the country and would like to be included in receiving regular SEES kommunications, contact hockeyplayr20 or rainy sunday

The SS is currently accepting applications.
Don’t miss your opportunity to join the elite S.E.E.S Super Soldiers.

A great friend of mine and yours, Sleeve is holding a $1 donation per subscription media campaign. Fundraising aside, I encourage you all to subscribe to Aesthetically Pleasing to help Sleeve accomplish his goal and watch for his return. Sub now, three days left to benefit SEES.

SEES Media
The Midnight Channel
Chie is Love
General Lee Speaking
Freedom of Dissociation
SEES Investigator
Sunday Papers

More SEES Media
The Sunny Side
The Paper Mache
Memoirs of A Kid
The Sexy Times
Cherry Popping News

A simple request for SEES writers: submit your paper links here or post in the comments.

Now, a quick recap for S.E.E.S. party members and those considering joining our ranks.

My expectations of S.E.E.S. members and of myself

- I expect Greatness from each of you. You are the Best not simply because you’re better than the rest, but because you are better today than you were yesterday.
- I will not insult your intelligence, do not insult mine. I will not spoon-feed you, but I will offer my support and provide references to assist you in gaining Greater understanding of this world. I will work to equip you with the tools you need to succeed in whatever arena your passion lies.
- I expect you to abide by our bylaws.
- I expect you to be the Master of your domain; you cannot presume to dominate others until you’ve first mastered yourself.
- As Americkaan Dioists, we oft stand accused of arrogance. There is a distinct difference between Pride and Arrogance. I expect you to learn it.
- I expect you to exercise your personal Power with the knowledge that it is accompanied by Great Responsibility. Seize Power, Take Responsibility.
- I expect you to comprehend that S.E.E.S. is not about the I’s, me’s or the my’s; we are about the US.

During a recent conversation with gagah I inquired about his vision for the future of S.E.E.S. In typical Emerick fashion, he pointed the question back at me. My response, “Quality, in every arena.”

So how do you attain Quality? The simplest answer: Be proactive.
inb4lolwut? Whatever activity you choose to engage in, you should have a clear purpose and always strive for excellence. eRepublik is at it’s core a game of communication, to play it well you must communicate effectively. (Even admin could improve upon this, amirite?) Here’s the part where I share a not-so-secret secret: Effective communication is equal parts speaking and listening.

I’ll skip the diatribe about team-building, meritocracy and gruntwork, you’ve heard it all before and you will without doubt hear it again. It’s up to you to recognize where and when to apply your strengths and how to overcome your weaknesses.

Join SEES Today!

Praise Dio. on the daily.

rainy sunday