How many wrongs do you need to make a right?

Day 1,244, 20:51 Published in USA USA by Animis

I think that;

Congress should be entirely out of the military business except for providing funding.

No one in the WH should be eligible to be in Congress at the same time, and visa versa.

SCI should be abolished and replaced with a fresh system that has more frequent turnover that reports jointly to SoD and CBO. Tanking and long term Reserves should be handled as different items.

CBO should be given authority to audit DoD, through SoD in terms of money, and report to Congress, not WH.

SoD should provide a monthly DMG and Financial effectiveness report as part of budget request to Congress, through the Executive, as should other Exec. Depts. Branches should report same info to SoD as requested; they report to SoD, who also report to Potus.

Former JCS, Branch CO's and XO's must be banned until every company, USD and bit of gold, that was plundered is returned. If a member of this group returns all that they possibly can, as part of a request to return back to the official military, this banning should be removed and they should be welcomed in immediately.

To in any way allow this group, who are thieves of taxpayer property, to be recognized as heroes is a shame that should never undo with a few battlefield victories, especially if they claim them when we all know they were joint victories with official military and all the other militias. As a matter of fact, the past hording of resources by the JCS has played a significant role in creating the conditions that have led to the recent battles even needing to occur.

Now, just in case you think I am in some way in favor or all rah-rah of what some politicos are patting themselves on the back about. I am not. I think the entire matter, going all the way back, is a giant pile of crap. There is no HONOR in much I have seen lately. Many of the professional politicos would have been perfectly happy with the relationship of mil, congress and WH, if THEIR guys were on the former JCS. We all know who they are, they are the ones who think that their flagrant abuse of political power makes up for their, errrr, shortcomings. I will bet you anything that once THEIR guys are in mil. power, these same politics will come running in to see that THEIR guys are given carte blanche!

Just how many wrongs do you need to make a right?