Despatche #010

Day 4,354, 11:34 Published in Switzerland Ireland by Kaitlinn

2.4 Astrid "Glass Heart" Halvorson, Delta Unit, Goshawk

The Metz boys always were useless, without them slowing us down we moved out of the prison area where Gráinne and I had been held in isolation, we saw nobody, just got food shoved through our door at fixed times during the day, the walls were too thick to talk to each other... Annie almost got us lost besides having a map provided by Father. We swiftly changed into Civ clothes by the door they came in by. The Rasa goons were hot on our heels, I could feel fear coursing through me, but tried not to show it to the other two, who seemed almost paralysed by it.. We moved away from the passage after locking the door to try and lose them in this cold labyrinth of corridors..It was like walking through a mausoleum. We heard the boom of an explosion nearby so we sped up without abandon, just following aimlessly through the sterile corridors which seemed to be going up. After reaching a door at the top of a long flight of stairs we heard someone coming and flattened ourselves against the wall. I put my finger to my lips to shush Annie and Gráinne, they were pale as ghosts, Annie looked like she would faint any minute. I lifted my rifle in readiness.

The door opened and a short figure came through in a hurry, I managed to lift my rifle in time and slammed it into the back of the enemy’s head as they went past, knocking them sprawling to the floor completely dazed. Gráinne closed the door quickly while Annie and I bent over the figure quickly disarming them and zip tying their hands and elbows, before flipping them over. A pair of furious piercing blue eyes glared back up at me. I smiled broadly we had one of Rasa Blank’s commanders the White Fox, Claire O’Malley. Father would be pleased with us bringing this prize home, if only we could get out of here. I shivered I was dead if we didn’t, Gráinne had told them about the Blind Fox kill. If we get out of here I will make sure she dies slowly, at my hands.

“Is Stefan dead! Tell me!” Annie bent over her tears standing in her eyes. “Who’s Stefan?” our prisoner stared back confused. “Annie…” I started to say. “Don’t Annie me you killed Karl! He was just wounded!” she sobbed angrily. “He was gutshot. It was a mercy to..” I began. “If you mean the one you left behind he’s fine we don’t just kill prisoners.” Claire said softly, her head was tilted slightly looking at Annie, a look of almost sympathy showed briefly on her face before her eyes went blank and she turned her head to look away sighing.

We pulled her to her feet and I jabbed a gun against her back. "Where's the nearest exit? Show us!" Gráinne snapped. "Shouldn't you know you were here a long time." Annie asked. Gráinne slapped her viciously. In return the White Fox spat in her face. There was stifled laughter from our prisoner, as she stared straight ahead into the distance. I sighed and pushed her along the hallway, we needed to get out of here, and it was plain she wasn’t going to willingly help us. Her Comms buzzed with someone asking her status. It repeated a few times then went silent. I could feel the tension in her body as we moved further into the bowels of Liberty Hall.

As we started to round a corner she suddenly lashed out with one leg catching one of Annie's legs tripping her and sending her falling to the ground, she followed it with ramming her balled fists into my stomach, and headbutting me, before bolting around the corner. Annie scrambled to her feet and ran around the corner shouting for her to stop, aiming her rifle. I was dazzled by the headbutt but I could hear her running without slowing and then a shot and a yelp before something thudded to the ground. I stumbled to my feet and rushed around to see. She was down with blood gushing from her right leg. Her head turned to look back at us, before she dragged herself to the wall and pulled herself to sit upright against it with her leg extended, her eyes full of helpless rage.

3.1 Commander Claire Holly “White Fox” O'Malley, White Stag Unit, Rasa Blank

What stupidity I know better than to run through closed doors blindly without checking, especially with dangerous prisoners on the loose. Pull yourself together Claire, you got in this mess only you can get yourself out of it, as Liam would say, always the joker until things got serious then he was all business and knew what to do. I was at these killers mercy, unless I could escape, we had all heard the stories about Delta Unit, their killing for fun, news of which Goshawk suppressed but it got out anyway… I stopped the shivers wracking my body with an effort and waited for them to reach me, I wouldn’t get very far bleeding like this and unable to stop it. I twisted my wrists trying to break the ties but they only bit deeper.

The two of them walked over to me, the one that skinny albino Astrid called Annie was looking through the first aid kit they took off me, good thing I remembered to pick it up in the rush out the door, only stopping to grab my pistol and rifle otherwise. Astrid shoved her rifle in my face, her scared red eyes betraying her supposed dominance. The other one bent down and ripped my uniform and looked at the wound. A through and through in my thigh. I needed a tourniquet or I’d bleed out, I was already feeling faint. I stared Astrid down, she was soon avoiding my eyes. Looking past her I saw Annie finally deciding on a wound patch. I swallowed a sigh it was too light for the job, catching her eye I shook my head hard, she dug around a bit and came up with a better one, I nodded. She bent down and placed it on the wound before wrapping a bandage tightly around it. Gad it hurt like hell but I didn't give them the satisfaction of seeing it in my face.

The frail Astrid pulled me to my feet. She was pathetic, weak as a child. "Move!" she almost whimpered, jabbing the rifle hard into my back. I limped forward slowly making sure to put on a show that my injury was "slowing" me down. I've been through worse this wouldn't slow me down when it counted. Idiots hadn't checked my boots for weapons, I had the knife I kept on my right boot, at Ratels insistence, still there, in its sheath, I had noticed it when I had looked to see what Annie was doing. Oof my head hurt like hell and my vision was blurry. I stumbled and fell, Astrid was instantly on me kicking me in my injured leg that sadistic little b*tch. A grunt escaped me, as I clenched my teeth against the pain that followed.

She dragged me back to my feet as we stumbled past a door that I noticed a sign on. We were in the Labs section, far from any exits. “It’s this way, just don’t hurt me” I said, trying to sound frightened. Astrid pushed a door open and shoved me inside, the others followed us in. After closing the door they turned on a light, we were in someone's quarters. Astrid pushed me towards the wall and motioned with her rifle for me to get down on the floor. I complied tucking my legs under me so I could reach the knife when I wanted to, and sat upright against the wall again trying to make it seem like Astrid’s little tirade had cowed me. I saw Astrid smile as she looked down upon me. Her smile was twisted by the scars around her lips but was muted by the fear in her dark red eyes. She raised her rifle and hit my wounded leg again. I glared up at her angrily, grinding my teeth through the agony. She lifted it again and I stiffened in expectation of the blow. “Where is the nearest exit!” she said harshly staring into my eyes, trying to look fierce. If I didn’t think I was probably gonna get murked by this panicked idiot I would have burst out laughing. I held it together and didn’t respond. She gave another twisted smirk and hit me again, making my eyes water, but I didn't give her the satisfaction of a cry of pain. “She’s not going to tell you anything Astrid, she’s an elite Academy trained commando.” Gráinne said behind her. “Shut up! So what!?” she snapped. It was almost cute. She stared at me for a short while then walked away to the others. She would pay dearly for this. Blood was seeping through my bandages. I drew in deep breaths to clear my head as I waited for the throbbing to diminish.

I watched them bend over some map Annie had. "We're in the lab section, I saw a sign." Gráinne stated. They looked once more in my direction but I didn't move and they went back to what they were doing. Keeping an eye on them I carefully moved my leg closer, to my hands, and drew the knife out of its scabbard, almost dropping it, it was slippery with blood. Glancing up, I could see them still arguing over the map. Twisting carefully, I sliced through my bonds, then froze as one of them looked in my direction. One of their rifles lay near within reaching distance of me. Total amateurs! Once they looked away I sprang to my feet almost falling as my leg threatened to collapse under me. Grabbing the rifle I fired a shot at them as I dashed for the door. They ducked for cover, upturning a desk. A return shot buzzed past me and I turned to aim properly and fired again at them making them duck down but I heard one cry out as I shot through the desk, at that freak b*tch Astrid. At least it would slow them down. I was close to the biohazard area of the Lab which was fortunate as I dragged my injured leg behind me. I managed to reach a secure cell in the Lab, slamming the auto lock shut. I could hear Gráinne crying. They were effed now.

I activated my Comms. "Commander O’Malley reporting, anyone reading me?" I shouted down the Comms. "Where the hell you been Claire! Why weren't you answering your Comms?" Ratels worried voice buzzed over the Comms. "Ran into a bit of trouble but the main thing is I know where the escaped prisoners are. They're in the Doctor's office in the Labs Biohazard section. Get people over here now! Also when you ladies have a minute, send one of the docs to me in the Labs, I’m at the secure cell, SL-08. I'm fine for now so just get the bastards!" I snapped. Grabbing a water from the fridge I gulped it's contents down, before grabbing the first aid kit off the shelf and replacing the bandages on my leg. Shards of the bullet had lodged in my wound and it was so painful it almost felt completely numb. I quickly swallowed some painkillers and antibiotics out of the kit. Then settled down on the bed in here to wait.

3.2 Captain Joe "Jackdaw" Quigley, White Stag Unit, Rasa Blank

"Escapees are in lab section, move it boys!" Ratels strained voice came over the Comms. Muis' and the Nero Unit, the triple A’s appeared from around a corner. Muis and Alex were both covered in dust. "We’ve got a blood trail again, someone else is injured." Arthur remarked. We all heard a shot coming from the labs and sprinted to it. "We're on it, and someone's hurt." I replied to Ratel. "Yeah it's Claire but she's pinned down in the Bio Lab. She’s in a secure cell but you need to get a move on, they could breach the door." he replied with a hint of fear in his voice. I saw the lads eyes widen then harden in anger. Covered in dust myself, I called them to stop their urge to rush. “Stand to attention! We have them cornered. Let’s do this slowly, carefully. Understood?” They stood to attention, their bitter faces focused beyond me. “Hey! Snap out of it! We need to take them alive. No nonsense. We’re Rasa Blank, not a gang of savages. Understood?” They gave me a half hearted Sir, yes Sir. “Oh I’m sorry, I must be deaf, did you say something!?” I snapped. They straighten up. “Sir, yes Sir!” We moved in formation towards the Laboratories.

We followed the trail of blood to a door. It appeared to go in and then out again. I placed my ear to the door. I could hear voices arguing. "Move out of the way Jackdaw!" Muis's angry voice startled me. He placed two claymores he had by the door then raised his voice. "Listen up! Surrender now or we'll blow the place up!" The faint voices went frantic, seemed like they were accusing each other of their predicament. "We've got a hostage!" what sounded like a young girl’s voice shouted. "Enough! We know you don't she's already spoken on Comms. Give up now and you won't get hurt!" I called. We waited as loud whispering could be heard inside. "We're coming out don't shoot." Gráinne’s voice came through the door. "Place your weapons outside first, then come out one at a time hands behind your heads." One of them began crying. "Okay." the angry girl replied. I nodded at Muis, he moved the claymores out the way. The door opened slightly and weapons were thrown through. Then the three followed as instructed, one was bleeding from a wound in their shoulder. we quickly restrained them with zip ties. "Take them down to the cells I'm going to check on the Commander." I said to Muis and Alex. “Annie needs a doctor Joe!” Gráinne said desperately, tears streaming down her face. The odd thin albino gave such a look of contempt I thought she’d turn her to stone.. “Please you’re not..” she added “She will get one when we have one available!” Artjom said sharply, his eyes full of anger as himself, Arthur and Alex herded them out the door back to the secure prison section. I activated my Comms "Prisoners and intruder secured and on their way to the cells. Going to check on Commander O'Malley." I said. "Acknowledged. Will be there shortly. Dr Ali is on her way." Ratel replied, the relief clear in his voice.

I walked into the lab and knocked on the secure cell’s door announcing myself. The lock clicked and I entered to find Claire sitting on a bed. Her right blood soaked leg was raised on a pillow which itself was drenched red. She was looking pale and sweating profusely yet she still held the rifle upright aimed at me, holding it steady in her hands. "Easy now White Fox, I'm friendly!" I said, grinning at her. She was some kind of woman. "Oh hey Quigley. You catch them, yeah?" she asked dreamily before putting her rifle down beside the bed, within easy reach of course. She turned her head avoiding my eyes, there was something different about her, I couldn't quite figure it out. Her head suddenly turned to the door and she picked the rifle up before putting it down again. I turned with my pistol drawn only to see Doctor Ali coming in with a large medkit. “Don’t shoot! It’s me!” she gasped. She hurried to Claire and carefully removed the bandages and looked at the wound. She spoke quietly to her before putting fresh ones on and giving her an injection. "Let's get her to the Medical Bay Captain. I'm going to need to remove the shrapnel and clean the wound." she said, a worried look in her eyes. She spoke quietly into her Comms, too low for me to hear.

Claire stood up with my help, favoring her injured leg, which she seemed unable to use. "You shouldn't be walking on that. I'll carry you Claire. Jackdaw get back to your duty, you still got a few hours left on your shift. Make sure Muis doesn’t kill our prisoners." Ratels gruff voice spoke behind me. "Sir, yes Sir!" I saluted and left for my post. Glancing back over my shoulder I saw him pick her up carefully, concern on his face as he followed Doctor Ali towards the Medical Bay. Why was she so shaken and different? I wondered as I made my way back to my post. The only time I'd seen any of the O'Malley's shaken was when Liam had got murked. He was really the balance between them, probably all of Rasa. They were almost like robots in handling problems usually but something had changed in Claire.

3.3 Commander Prof Johannes Hannes “Ratel” Le Roux, Chance Unit, Rasa Blank

I didn’t want to leave Claire’s bedside, she was looking so pale and weak. Dr Ali said she needed her rest and had sedated her. She was worried about the leg, but said it was likely salvageable besides the damage done to nerves by the shards from the bullet being hammered into them. She gave me a tight hug when she saw the expression on my face. “Moenie worry nie Hannes, sy sal reg kom.” she said firmly. “Jy weet wat ek kan doen né.” she added placing a hand on my right arm. I gulped down a sob, and turned to leave. I had to get out of there before I broke down in front of her. I passed Dr Stevie entering the private room carrying a sleeping little Tadgh. “We’ll be here all night boss, don’t worry.” he said quietly. “The Commander’s in good hands.”

I headed down to the secure cells to check on our lawaaierig prisoners. I had to shove through a crowd of Brigade and Eesti regulars who had gathered near the cells after being woken by the gunfire and general ruckus. “Out of the way! What the hell is going on here. Is this a circus!?” I barked at them as I pushed and shoved my way through, difficult at first but once they realised it was me they moved aside. Muis was setting up a space marked with old containers with the help of the triple A’s of the Nero Unit. I could see our prisoners kneeling to one side. He winked at me when he noticed me standing there.

“Right, you first!” he pointed at the big blondy male, who looked scared out of his wits. “But I already told you everything!” he gasped out in a thick German accent. Muis just motioned for him to get up and turn around and sliced through his bonds with his knife, before replacing it in his boot. “We fight barehanded ja? You win you get dropped off close to the nearest Airstrip. However, if you lose you stay here. Verstaan?” I saw blondies eyes widen before he nodded vigorously. Big mistake. Muis led him to an open barred cell and allowed him to enter first into the makeshift arena. Muis stepped a few feet away from him with his hands held loosely at his sides and waited. The prisoner stepped forward and began swinging wildly. Muis weaved in and out, letting him land a few blows to his body, just keeping his head out of range. Muis punched him hard in the solar plexus and when he doubled over he moved back a few metres and waited. The big blondy lumox came in swinging again and Muis just danced out of range letting him swing at thin air before delivering another punch to his stomach. I couldn’t help but laugh. All seriousness aside I hadn’t seen Muis playing cat and mouse in a long time. This went on for a while until Stefan, a name I heard called through the bars from one of the other prisoners, was winded and struggling to move his arms. Muis was dancing in and out again with ease, delivering hard punches. Eventually when the prisoner was leaning over panting with his hands on his knees Muis asked, “Had enough big man?” with a big grin on his face. I felt a little respect for the Blond guy, he had lasted longer than most others Muis had played with. He nodded and Muis motioned to Alex to take him back to his own, secure cell. He was whimpering as Alex zip tied his wrists.

Muis turned to the other three “Who’s next? Any volunteers?” he scowled down at the three females kneeling there. When none responded he bent down and pulled the one called Annie to her feet, she looked terrified, and began to cry. “I can’t!” she sobbed. He tilted his head to look at her. “But you must, you choose to try and bust out your pasty white, devil eyed friend and you injured one of our Commanders!” He cut her bonds and pointed at the arena. “Stop it Muis, please don’t hurt her! I’ll tell you what you want to know but I want a deal for it!” Gráinne cried out. Muis raised an eyebrow in her direction then turned to look at me. “Everyone out! Put the other prisoners in their cells now!” I roared to be heard over the crowd. The crowd scattered when I pulled out my heavy pistol. As Gráinne was being dragged away, the albino Astrid screeched after her in what sounded like German.

Once we were alone with her I stepped forward and looked into her eyes. “What info? It better be something worthwhile or you’re not just wasting my time, your lengthening your time with my dear friend Muis.” I nodded at Muis who was calmly cleaning his fingernails with his knife. Alex stood by the door with his assault rifle. Muis glanced up at the sound of his name and smiled broadly. “It’s important! I am an Academy Junior Scholarch, I know things. I’ll tell you all I know if you let me go.” She looked terrified but she had me half convinced. “I can’t promise you won’t get the firing squad for your crimes Gráinne, but if you have something to tell us, perhaps we’ll consider something close to... genade. Now spill it.” I stated flatly, although my anger was near boiling point. She looked away, as if calculating how to say her next words. She looked scared but not for the reason one would assume. Something else was on her mind.

“Okay, there is a place called the Monolith, it’s the main Academy R and D site, it’s where they created the Type 5’s.” I aimed my gun at her. “Wat dink jy vriend? Is she talking sense Muzikayise?” She burst into tears. “Please believe me! I have more information! Astrid killed Liam O”Malley! They all did, Delta Unit. They boast about it. I wasn’t there but they told me.” she blurted out. “So we’re just supposed to believe this?“ I queried, barely keeping my temper in check. Claire would need to be told and I’d have to deal with her reaction which wouldn’t be good. “It's all true, you got to believe me. Only Petrov knows exactly where the Monolith is! Only Senior Scholarchs know. Petrov knows where. He’s running things from Goshawk’s Be’er Sheva HQ. Please believe me Mr. Ratel, I swear it’s all true!” I stared deep into her watery eyes and saw a perverted truth in them. “Alright... You’ll get some clemency at your trial, but you’re not getting off scot free.” I said as calmly as I could, barely restraining myself from pistol whipping her. I nodded towards Alex. “Lock her up and get a medic down here to look at the injured Kraut.” Alex looked confused. “Not a Doctor?” Alex asked. “No! They have more important people to look after tonight! Now move it!” I barged out of there and straight towards Claire’s room before I did something I’d regret later.

“Commander you there?” a voice in a thick Irish accent I could barely understand came over the Comms. “Ja what is it?” I asked wearily. This night just wouldn’t end. “Dublin Brigade Foreman Ger O'Flaherty reporting Sir. We have a sighting. We’ve got two horsemen riding over the Wicklow Mountains towards Dublin Sir!” Oof, I rubbed my forehead. I was running hot. Claire would have to wait for the time being. “I’ll send a squad to you on the double Foreman, detain them when they reach you. Catch them alive or you’ll face the consequences.” There was a short pause, I could hear voices through the channel. “It’s the Silent Fox and Jackie of the Liberties.” G*d above, when it rains it pours. “Copy that Foreman, make sure they get to Liberty Hall safely. Over and out.” I switched my Comm-Link off.

I hadn’t realised how truly kaput I was until I began to jog then stopped to walk towards the Med Bay. On the third story bridge over the main foyer I stopped. A young ginger haired Brigade soldier was sitting with his head tucked into his knees. “What’s wrong mannetjie? You alright?” He was crying. “Come on, tell me what’s troubling you.” He looked up at me, or rather through me. “He’s coming, Roger’s coming.” I tried to reassure him. I never thought I’d end up being the Father figure type but I suppose it was part of the responsibility of being in charge of Liberty Hall. I sat down with him, trying to comfort him. “Calm down ja? If this Roger bliksem comes here we’ll sort him out. So chin up boytjie.” He lifted his face and gave me a haunting look of utter dread. “You’re wrong. He’s coming, he’s everywhere.”

Thank you for reading! This is the last season,
Thanks to everyone who has followed our tale this far.

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The Whole Series: Seasons 1 - 4