[MoE]Winner Announcement Co-Work Project (Ireland, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Indonesia)

Day 2,900, 11:23 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Education

First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our Presidents, and teams and to all party president and to switzerland citizen
This article is announcement for the winner of co-work project on eIreland, eBulgaria, eMaceodonia, and eIndonesia

2 days past from eSwitzerland made Co-Work project on eIndonesia, eMacedonia, eIreland and eBulgaria.

After we talked about the component and contestant we believe that we choose the right people that win our prize.

Prize for the winner :
#1 winner - 1000 cc and 30 Tank Q7
#2 winner - 500 cc and 10 Tank Q7
#3 winner - 1 G and 10 Tank Q7

Here the winner for each country:
This is my report for the contest :

Switzerland-Ireland Co-Work Project Spirit Words Contest
Spirit Words Contest

#3rd winner

united we stand, divided we fall, unity in diversity #SwissIreland

#2nd winner

Jason Rishavik
It's not the size of the eCountry that matters, it's what you do with it that counts. #SwissIreland

#1st winner

We may be small, our sword is big! For Ireland, for Glory! #SwissIreland

Switzerland-Bulgaria Co-Work Project 3 Words Describe Bulgaria Contest
3 Words Describe Bulgaria Contest

#3rd winner

Drama, Homeland, Army (there's always something melodramatic happening over here, I still remember the time when we used to have organized army structure. Best days of my eLife #SwissBulgaria

#2nd winner

Loyal, Fun, Unorganized ! (always with those who respect us, often the key of the game change and I think we should work here) #SwissBulgaria

#1st winner

Venko Clox
White, green ,red ! (What our country flag represents is: white for purity and hope, green for our great nature and red is the blood soaked our land ! #SwissBulgaria

Switzerland-Macedonia Co-Work Project love words Contest
Love Words Contest

#3rd winner

Loving you is like Macedonian-Swiss friendship, It just cant stop. #SwissMacedonia

#2nd winner

It's a shitty game but we still play it because of our love for mother Macedonia #SwissMacedonia

#1st winner

Love is when my little sister steals my chocolate bars from my school bag and i stubbornly continue to hide them there #SwissMacedonia

Switzerland-Indonesia Co-Work Project Best Quote Ever Contest
Best Qoute Ever Contest

#3rd winner

orange day
We can do, what you can't do #etop #SwissIndonesia

#2nd winner

John W. Creasy
We are proud to be an eIndonesian, Because before an eIndonesian, we are human. And we stand for the good faith of humanity, before our pride and ideology. #SwissIndonesia

#1st winner

Si Petung
We march together, one down thousand will rise, #SwissIndonesia #NotAfraid

Hail eMacedonia
Hail eSwitzerland
Hail eBulgaria
Hail eIndonesia
Hail eIreland

The prize currently is distributed for the winner.

Country President of eSwitzerland, eIreland, eBulgaria, eMacedonia, and eIndonesia

Minister of Education eSwitzerland, eIreland, eBulgaria, eMacedonia, and eIndonesia

Deputy of Ministry of Education eSwitzerland