[FoW] Limitless Ireland

Day 4,151, 10:41 Published in Ireland Serbia by Don Croata.

Hello Eire!

I’d like to announce my candidacy for President of eIreland. Just like many times before you know what you can expect, so I won’t go too much into the details. My goals are to solve the incoming issues and some questions we’re facing as a country, lead eIreland into a prosperous future within the alliance and make improvements, as a country, in every possible aspect of the game.

Important issues

We’ll have to deal with several very important things and challenges in the coming weeks, months and years. I’d like to make some of those challenges easier by being proactive in sorting them out.

1) Bonuses & Concession

Due to wars with Bulgaria / UK we’ve lost our concession with France. To be more precise they had to propose embargo on Ireland so the concession deal can be stopped after they’ve been getting nothing out of our deal since Bulgaria occupied Cork for a long time. We’re now free of Bulgaria and we can finally get ourselves into sweet thinking who to sign mutual profitable pacts with. My main goal is to make sure Irish producers can continue the production all of the time, with no interruptions while having a decent bonuses. Deal with France was the perfect one since it brought us decent funds while securing profitable bonuses on the production. If possible, we’ll be looking to get that kind of a deal.

2) Training Wars & Epics

It’s highly important to maintain Training wars eIreland is directly involved with. Country of our size needs one or even two of those to meet the demands of BH hunters, farmers and others. These wars are improving our ranks, our wealth and our activity. We’ll surely keep them up. Another extremely important thing is organizing epic rounds on Tuesdays. If you’re active enough through the whole week tuesday epics are perfect for you. Fighting with at least 3500 hits (350 bars + full health) on Tuesdays will bring you much higher recovery rate as you’re going to increase your prestige points number and keep winning +1 energy recovery. Following this instructions you’ll end up with same or bigger amount of energy bars spent at the end of the week which actually means - free fighting. This will increase your rank, your firepower and surely provide you with more fun.

3) Informations and transparency

As always I’ll insist on my Cabinet to be as active as possible when it comes to informing the public and ‘bragging’ about the accomplishments done. I’ll also organize at least one National Summit, this time on Irish Telegram channel in order to populise that way of communicating. When it comes to finances you can expect the financial report at the mid-end of the term as always. I’d love to see our citizens discuss, get involved and be informed.

Team Ireland

In order to accomplish any goals in this game you need a good bunch of people behind you. For this reason I’m going to pick the best Ireland has to offer at this moment when it comes to activity, game knowledge and motive to play the game the way we know it.

Vice President - Slua
Our current President has been heavily involved with everything for years now and I just can’t imagine having anyone else on this position. He’s gonna be my right hand and closest advisor.

Minister of Foreign Affairs - rainy sunday
Rainy is one of my favourite players in this game for years. She’s more than capable to produce wonders when she’s motivated enough and that’s what I’m gonna do - motivate her to get the best out of her, she’s going to be wherever I am and get involved in everything I do.

Minister of Defence - T0413 & MrBadDecisions
T0413 is best guy ever. He’s active, knowledgable and motivated to produce some good work. He’s going to be supported by another great guy and they’ll be making a dream team of our military organization.

Minister of Finances - Warbhoy
Yeah, I’m gonna keep up working in our finances department as it would be too much hassle to change it. I’ll have enough time since we’ve turned into simply gold fishing projects and investing in a long term basis now.

Minister of Community - Cat Sith
Cat is gonna be the person to provide you with some fun, hopefully we’ll bring back the lotteries as well.

Minister of Immigration - ReMiiX
Rem has been our Head of the Congress for a couple of months now, she’s more than capable to make sure we only get proper lads here in the land of glory and it will come in handy with her other duties too.

Special advisors - Brizee & aimeisan
Brizee is someone you want to have besides you. He’s the master of all automated things, scripts and other things I don’t get. Aimeisan is temporary in Hungary, but he’s still heavily involved in representing our Air Project in the Airforce Network, he’s also gonna advise me on other things such as diplomacy.

Final words..

We’re doing great stuff in here, we’re probably the most active country of our size, our airforce power has improved so much we’re being called a force by the others. We just joined the alliance that will dominate in years to come once it’s organized fully. Our citizens are great, we have so many decent lads here it’s hard to name them all. I’ve seen people helping each others, people joining and supporting useful projects, I’ve seen how many countries do their things and I can say that our community is what makes us strong and active as we are.

I’d be honoured if you’d elect me as your leader once again and I can promise that I’ll give everything in my power to keep improving eIreland. Finally, I’d like to thank to all the parties who decided to support me and wish my opposition good luck in the elections. I’m always in the fight, no matter who’s running the country.

eIreland’s Discord Server
