[BACKUP] The fight goes on

Day 4,231, 10:15 Published in North Korea China by Comrade Tiago

ARTICLE ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BY DPRKOREA 4.25 AVAILABLE AT: https://www.erepublik.com/br/article/the-fight-goes-on1-2696990/1/20

Dear comrades!

I have been playing on and off for the DRPK under various accounts since 2014.

Since then, many attempts have been made by socialists to regain our rightful control of the country from the pro-Chinese puppet government, which is disguised within all the political parties which currently exist.

I have always supported all attempts to change the status-quo, as this is my duty as a citizen of the DPRK.

The revolution, the right for our independence, will only cease when we achieve our goal! No matter how long it will take, the struggle for socialism is the right struggle.

I have previously made lists of citizens categorizing them in 3 classes, as per instruction of real life Kim Il Song. These classes are the the core socialist class, which are the real revolutionaries and allies of any socialist government to be, the wavering class, which are citizens neither hostile nor friendly regarding the socialist revolution, and the hostile class. The hostile class, in our case, are these citizens who support the Chinese puppet goverment.

I see that nowadays many of the core socialist citizens are dead, but the pro-China puppets are still alive after all these years. Almost 6 years and the country is still in hands of the same oligarchs sponsored by China.

It's safe to say that these Chinese spies who are still active in politics even after 6 years are the core of the Chinese puppet government.

I even wonder if they are bots?

To aid the patriotic and socialist revolutionaries in understanding who the enemies of our revolution are, and to make it easier for them to deal with them, I will once again make a list.

In this list, I will name the Chinese puppets who have been supporting the Chinese since 2014 and are still doing so. They are the core of the problem.

The list is as follows:

Paolo Cheng
Chengyu Zlatan Tu
ZY 1524
Pelt hu

of course, there will be more Chinese puppets and this list is certainly not conclusive. But these are the people about whom I am sure that they have supported China since 2014!

These people must be opposed.
Whatever party they are in, these parties must be left. Military units led by them must also be left. Whatever legislation they vote for in congress, must be voted against.

The revolutionaries must finally form a United front to counter these core-enemies of the revolution!

So what now? For starters, let's unite in a political party. I'm a member of Freedom North Korea because I have not seen any of the core puppets from my list in that party. There may be puppets in the party but then they are newer ones. We could unite in another party, and I will support any political movement made by comrades to counter the Chinese imperialists.

Also, we must spread the message to make the comrades aware of the reality which the country has been for more than 5 years.

We inherited the march to mount Beakdu from our comrades who have perished for the revolution. Let's honor their sacrifice and oust the Chinese imperialists!

Edit: I have managed to find my old account and the list I made back then at day 2,200: