Interview with LEON WITH. Number 1 player in the United States. #1

Day 6,026, 02:22 Published in Germany Brazil by Bortolazzi

Good morning friends from all over the world, this is Bortolazzi, your bosom friend, the fearless reporter, the ace of communication with the microphone off, the marshal of disinformation.
And today, I came here to introduce myself and...

Oh ok, leave it for another day.😮

Well, I've come to start my interview column. And my first guest, is the Number 1 player in the United States, Level 3121, eCitizen Leon With.
Click here to view your profile

--- Good morning my friend. First of all, thank you for taking the time to answer this series of questions. To start, tell us a little about your story here at Erepublik. (political positions, their battle functions, these things...) And what encouraged you to join Erepublik? And how long have you been on the platform? And how does it feel to be the number 1 player in your country? Does it give access to many perks within the game?

+++ I started playing Erepublik about 15 years ago. Before that, I enjoyed browser games like OGame. I decided to start playing Erepublik because it seemed like a game that resembled the real world and allowed for various experiences, somewhat connected to real life.
Since I'm a German citizen of Turkish descent in real life, I began playing the game as a Turkish citizen in Turkey. I'm not particularly interested in politics or warfare, so I haven't delved into those aspects of the game much. I generally prefer activities related to production, trade, and the economy. I've had to constantly relocate my factories and even change citizenship due to the nature of production being tied to the efficiency of the region. So, you could say I've become a bit of a nomad, just like in real life. Whenever there's a war, I move. Training wars start, I'm on the move again. Regions change hands, and I find myself relocating once more. Eventually, I made my way to the USA, where I now reside and focus on my production activities.
At the moment, I might be ranked first in terms of experience points in the USA, but that doesn't really matter to me. Yesterday someone else was in the top spot, and tomorrow it'll be someone else again. Besides its numerical value, being number one doesn't hold much significance for me personally. In fact, I even see it as potentially more of a disadvantage than an advantage. Being at the top can attract unwanted attention and might make me a target, especially in times of conflict between countries or when people are seeking help. But I don't really have any complaints about that. I've always tried to help out as much as I can in the game, especially newcomers if I have the means to do so. And I'd recommend everyone do the same.

--- At first, did it take you a while to get used to the game and make friends? Tell us some of your “secrets” throughout this journey, and a little of what you learned, even to help newbies who are just entering the game (and who will join in the future).

+++ No, getting used to the game and making friends wasn't difficult at all. When I started playing in Turkey, there was already a warm atmosphere, everyone was having fun, and there were some great friendships forming. I still have many friends from those times. Later, when I was in Chile, Croatia and Switzerland, I also made some wonderful friendships. We maintained good communication, and we still keep in touch. I particularly remember the warm atmosphere in Switzerland, and I know I'll return there one day. I was warmly welcomed in the USA as well, and I feel just as at home here as I did there.

The dynamics of the game are constantly changing, and with shifts in alliances, someone who was your enemy today could be your ally tomorrow. So, it's best not to take things too seriously in the game and not let them affect you too much. Remembering that everything in the game is just made up of pixels and commands, and trying not to hurt others in the game, would be the right approach.

My advice to newcomers in the game is to do a lot of research and listen to the advice of experienced players. In terms of strength, catching up to the veterans is pretty much impossible now, so if they're going to be fighters, it would be easier for them to develop their skills in air battles. Also, spending a bit of real money at the beginning of the game will make things easier for them. After they progress, they can buy the necessary packages with in-game currency. Whatever they do, I also advise them not to stray from honesty and not to get involved in illegal activities. Honesty may not lead to success quickly, but it ensures safety, continuous progress, and longevity in the game.

--- In all the time you've been active in the game, have you seen “strange” things in your country's government? If so, can you tell us some curiosities and some stories about it?

+++ As I mentioned, I'm not particularly interested in politics. While I've had many acquaintances in leadership positions, I haven't been deeply involved in matters, so I haven't witnessed many interesting or strange things. Even if I had, I probably wouldn't discuss them, because "a true gentleman remains silent and enjoys the moment". : )

--- Do you ever intend to run for president of your party or country in the game? And what do you like and dislike about your country’s current politics?

+++ No, I've never considered being president, and I don't plan to in the future either. I'm someone who doesn't enjoy responsibility, and I try to avoid it as much as possible. Since I don't follow politics closely, I don't always know what's right or wrong, but considering the situation in the USA, relations with allies, the state of real and training wars, and the availability of resources for production, I can say that the teams in charge are doing a good job.

--- If you became president of your eCountry, what would change?

+++ The owner of my account might change. : ) Just kidding, as long as the game exists, my account will be mine, and I won't be president.

--- What do you think could improve the functions within the game?

+++ If I were to start listing, I don't think I'd ever finish. The game has been, interestingly enough, like a ship abandoned in the middle of a stormy sea for quite some time now. The absurd events, unnecessary visual changes, and moves that fail to meet expectations unfortunately deter many players from the game. Yet, a game with so much potential, with so many "customers" willing to spend real money, should have been managed much better. There should have been events that engage players, providing them with more enjoyment. In the past, players could see a list of items sent and received by others, which made life difficult for multi-account holders. I wish that feature would come back. Also, there's no need for the mystery surrounding game token sales. We should be able to see who's selling tokens or if anyone is really selling them. And we can't forget about Perception for air battles.

--- Do you have any short/medium/long goals to be achieved within the game?

+++ My current short-term goal is to increase my True Patriot points as quickly as possible and to earn money from the damage I inflict in battles to cover the expenses of the weapons I use. I don't have any medium or long-term goals. As long as I can play the game without hurting anyone and enjoy the game, that's enough for me.

WELL, we'll take a break to drink some caipirinha, and on the way back, we'll be back.

"Look, Leon, here at eBrasil all our platoons are well trained. I'll show you:

"Attack position. Artillery, now!"

"This is one of our strongest and most manly soldiers!"

LEON WITH: Bortolazzi I want to run away!
BORTOLAZZI: Calm down little lion, let's resume the last part of the interview!

"Let's resume the last part of this interview"

--- Well, leaving Erepublik for a bit, I would like to ask you something more personal. Could you tell us the city you live in? If so, tell us about your city, what the culture, tourism is like, and the main sources of income there. Can you tell us a little about your country? Whether it's about current politics, exchange rates, tourism, religion and predominant language, among other details you want to improve.

+++ As I mentioned, although I'm a citizen of the USA in the game, I'm actually in Germany and living in Berlin. Berlin is a fantastic capital city, a tourist destination, historic, very multicultural, multilingual, dynamic, and fun. I'm very happy to be here. Germany is currently excited about hosting the European Football Championship. Berlin will be one of the main stages. It's bound to be wonderful.

--- It's sure to be really amazing if this happens. But since I didn't know I was in Germany all this time, I'll continue to ask about the States. The United States is famous for its personalities, artists, music, movies, among others. Who are your favorite artists? And in Brazil there are personalities you admire, movies, teams?

+++ Of course, this would be best answered by real US citizens, but if I were to answer it myself, I could say that the USA hold a decisive position globally in many aspects. They influence tastes, trends, and preferences, including music, cinema, and art. The artistic movements heralded by the Renaissance, initiated in Europe, are highly aesthetic and beautiful. However, there are also modern artistic expressions. The world needs both, and it becomes more beautiful when they blend harmoniously. If I were to list my favorite American artists, the list would probably be long. From Brazil, I particularly love the film "City of God". Additionally, I admire real Ronaldo and Ronaldinho.

---What do you think about the future of your country, from now until 2030?
Do you feel happy with the current situation in your country? What about the world in general, what would you like to change, if you could choose?
Do you think the country you reside in looks a little like the country within Erepublik?

+++ I'm not good at guessing, so it's probably best if I don't answer that. : )
I've become somewhat pessimistic, unwillingly, to the point where I can't even say "I hope everything goes better". So now, I simply say, "I hope nothing gets worse".

--- Last but not least: How do you see Brazil, from your perspective? Do you know anything about the country in terms of its diversity, culture, music? Share your opinion with us a little.

+++ Brazil is a country I love, although I haven't been there. I'm curious and want to visit, but I'm afraid to go because I think the gap between wealth and poverty has made social life quite unsafe. Of course, it would be wonderful to see the Carnival in Rio, the statue of Christ the Redeemer, watch a derby match in the stadium, and visit the beautiful beaches in person.

--- Well, at the end of the interview, I would like to ask if you have personal archive photos of places in your country and the respective cities?

+++ Unfortunately, I'm not much of a photo-person. Perhaps that's the topic my spouse and I argue about the most. Whenever we go somewhere, she wants to take photos, but I skillfully evade and hide from that. : ) So, unfortunately, I don't have any photos to offer.

--- No problem, little lion. Thank you for your time and patience. And I wish you to have much strength, health, and wisdom in your life. Be at peace.

+++ For deeming myself worthy of this interview, I thank you and extend my gratitude to all your readers for taking the time to read. I hope everything gets better for everyone. FORÇA, Rio Grande do Sul!

Well, that's all. Let's go out here, little lion. The smell of napalm is already strong, and I know a hole we can dig ourselves into to escape.

Well guys, I'll leave it at that. One kiss, for those who liked it, and 2 kisses for those who didn't. Any questions, opinions, support or just say you love me, send me a message, I'll answer them all. (if it doesn't go over 10). //Donations at will//

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "I don't need no one to do shit to me, 'cause I'm alone I put my life in danger." - Pierre, MC.


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