YUUVA cabinet member and an old member of Jai Hind MU

Day 1,977, 18:51 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Hello friends.Many people have asked me why I am in Jai Hind MU and in YUUVA party.Well here is what happened.I was a newbie and was in Brats and the Purna Swarajya party.When Purna Swarajya(Azad Hind Fauj)was changed from a right wing to left wing party I decided to leave.So I had no political activity when I started reading about people no older than me in elife coming in congress.Many came from YUUVA.So I joined YUUVA,by the help of Abhinay Gupta I became a congressmen.At that time the jebravaska insult had just started.War was upon us.My mentor at that time ,Ashwamedh,was a huge supporter of Jai Hind MU and party and Indian liberation.This was before the YUUVA and other parties began to fight verbally and politically.So I joined Jai Hind MU but stayed in YUUVA.So when the fighting started I was ready to leave Jai Hind but then things calmed down and so I stayed.I have recently become the PS (Party Spokesman)of YUUVA and so I wanted to get this dispute out of the way.
Jai Hind(no pun intended)