Words are all I have - Plus the Desire for a Better Australia

Day 1,853, 05:57 Published in Australia Argentina by BOUD1CCA

I had hoped to be more prepared in my first article, taken the time to have set things out more nicely - instead this will look more like some subversive missive, hastily bashed out in some basement - the purpose of which is subvert the established order.

And yet this is exactly what I am intending.

Australians, do you feel marginalised, passengers in your own country being carried along to God knows where, by those who feel they know best for you? - or more accurately they do not really care what is best for you at all what's best for them may be more accurate.

If eAustralia's situation could be compared to any real life situation its England before the Civil War. There is the king & his Court, appointed by Divine right - they are not answerable to you. They may sincerely believe they know best - but how come it doesn't feel that way?

Well I am forshadowing a revolution here - not some excitable one where people run around firing guns - there will be no heads cut off, firing squads or reeducation required.

It will be an Australian revolution, the type envisaged by the writers & poets of the time when Australia was starting out full of creativity & confidence. before we had our guts ripped out fighting other peoples wars.

Our revolution will quietly remove the oldfags hands from the levers of power, thank them for their past efforts & then put the power back into the hands of ordinary Australians. All Australians will be welcome to participate in the ways they best prefer. All Australians will be kept up to date with what the leadership is up to. The new leadership will be the servants of the people, not some bunch of entitled perfumed princes (&princesses)

If that is what you desire - please join the Australian Revolutionary Party. But be aware, we don't want bums on seats. If you join us, you must be prepared to work to bring our dream to reality
