Win 9 gold. And vote for Uv Ajed for FB PP.

Day 2,002, 03:06 Published in India Croatia by ashphalt

eIndia “You used to be much more..."muchier." You've lost your muchness.”

Hello. It's been a while since I've been here. Good to see you folks again.

Vote for Uv Ajed as PP for FB. He'll do a brilliant job, not be a quarter as lazy and useless as I was and generally provide for an active eIndia.

Also, I have a proposition for you. Three of you have a chance to win 3 gold each. Process? Quite simple.

1) Vote for the entry titled Hermit's Cage "Entry" and then drop a vote on my article.
2) Subscribe to the newspaper if you feel like it.
3) Drop me a comment with your vote number.

I'll be using the listed tool to pick the three random numbers. tool . I understand that the process might seem cumbersome but bear with it. It shouldn't take more than 15 seconds of your time. All the best.

Engage. Please.