Why you should vote for me as Country President of Switzerland.

Day 1,594, 08:28 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Comrade Vladimir Ulyanow Lenin

Hello , Dear Madames and Monsieurs. I ever wanted to be country president of switzerland. I feel so good. I want to be country president of switzerland because i am a real life swiss as you know and i will make you great.
We will join one. And annex france germany italy and austria . Our country will be the biggest. My cabinet is so good . I rule about about everything. First ofc. there will be no congress for stupid impeachers. We will be annexed by south korea. No worries it will happen. Next part is that we conquer the world until 21.12.12 then we have won against the mayans. Should i say anything more? If you vote and subscribe and Shout it , you get 10gold. No went no worries.
The Helvetia Union and the guillontist guild will support me. If you want you get 1 q1 food per year and 0.01chf per 20 years. Thats all you need to survive. Or arent you bear grylls.
And here are again the top10 facts why i should be prez.
1. No food
2.No money
3. No gold
4. Conquers erepublik
5. No congress
6.No cabinet
7. I am god.
8. I am better than you.
9. I like trains.
10. i am rl swiss.

Sincerly , SIR madkytle.

P.s. April april folks.