Why you should vote for Lama O. Curlins for Congress

Day 3,770, 15:40 Published in Canada Canada by Lama O. Curlins

I, a food worker and senior airman from Halifax and founding editors of The Glaciers Daily, am announcing that I am proudly running for Congress. In addition of competing against the 'Progressives', here are the additional reasons why you should vote for Senator Curlins.

1. To end the political monopoly of the Canadian Progressive Party.

Voting for Curlins will send a damaging message to the 'Progressives' that their party is keeping Canada stagnant for too long and must take steps to reform the country in the rights direction or be voted out.

2. Curlins will help Canada grow from being a client state to an equal partner with Serbia.

Why the government's territory rental system has increased cooperation between us and our allies, the ruling coalition has failed to offer a plan for becoming a truly sovereign nation without the need of selling our our provinces.

3. Curlins supports a workable social funding program.
Curlins is a member of the Canadian Imperial Party which is promoting the Wellness Assistance Program(WASP). The WASP provides food supplies not only for those in need, but exclusively for those who are willing to contribute to Canadian society and our future. This ensure that the supplies will go to hardworking eCanadians rather than to lazy bums. Welfare cheats will be excludeding from the program.

The 'Progressive', the self-described Libertarians, art too busy to help our forgotten working class

4. Curlins will help draft a plan for resistance against possible foreign aggression.

There are not one, or even two, but several alliances which could come and destroy Canada any moment, but the Progressives never developed a plan for resistance. They are relying on inavding countries for this, but little do they know that at least one country already has a plan to conquer Canada...FROM THE INSIDE!

5. Curlins end the Austrian threat to our country.

While Canada is playing the "Training War", the beloved people of Slovenia are fighting off the Austrian agression alone, with no backup from their allies. Not only that, but we have evidence that Austria is attempting to infiltrate our nation is siphoning off our money in exchange for insane action movies starring an agent working as an actor in Hollywood.

The Austrians are also attempting to subvert our local music scene and bombarding us with centuries old music. This threatens our local artists.
Here are some of the most widespread compositions which you may not be aware are actually Austrian.

There's even no need to describe

Yet, the Canadian progressives have not done anything to do anything about the Austrian menace! This needs to stop!

Only Curlins and the Imperial Party could help Canada stand-up for itself against foreign aggression.