Why Water is Bad

Day 1,111, 11:30 Published in USA USA by Gaylord Q. Tinkledink

Water is a terrible substance that we should remove from life because it kills everyday. But first before we get into that lets just start out why people like me can't stand it. First off water is far to wet. Second Its flavorless and bland its like the liquid equivalent to ice which is also flavorless. Also to add to it sucking you cant even hold it. It slips right through your hands so its impossible to hold 'n it doesn't even have a damn color. Kay on to the death. If you've ever seen shark week than you'd see all these terrible stories of sharks eating people IN WATER. So in conclusion to that without water there wouldn't be any sharks to kill civilians except for landsharks. So in order to remove water from life and stop these senseless killings start drinking a different beverage. Have a heart and drink some juice or milk.

P.S Seacows are mammals as of now and everything is what i say it is

P.P.S I just wanted to repost it to see how it'd do.

P.P.P.S Good times, good times.