Why should you join the Training Division?

Day 606, 10:59 Published in USA USA by Hekter

"What really is the Training Division?" The Training Division is a citizen's first step to understanding the eUS military and making a real effort to matter in the current grueling war we now face.

Why not fight like a mercenary--only relying on yourself? As cool as this is, everything works out better as a team. In the Training Division, you will have hundreds of peers that you can coordinate with to fight as an effective unit, rank up, gain experience, and learn how the military works, all while relying on high-level military intelligence.

"But what if I have political aspirations?" Doesn't matter! This is your first foray into an eRep team, much akin to what you'll have to work with every day of your political career to get things accomplished. Plus, you can't have much of a political life if there's nowhere to serve!

This period of your eLife is about discovering all the things that you can become a part of--let the Training Division be the gateway to your future! Enlist Today!

Lieutenant Hekter
eUS Training Division