Why i am voting for Pho3nix tomorrow and why you should too

Day 1,322, 11:24 Published in Sweden Sweden by carlos

Rarely in the years that i have been writing this paper has a subject of this importance come up. I am writing to you today not as a Norsefire member but as a fellow swede who has been around long enough to know what is what. I am supporting Pho3nix tomorrow not through any loyalty to the Norsefire party itself but through a clear and thought out loyalty to Sweden as a whole.

Pho3nix policies are what are needed at this time. His cabinet goes beyond party politics and picks out individuals across the political spectrum based on individual merit and not on nepotism or fame. Pho3nix is a man for detail but not a micro-manager, he has expectations from his staff and also places trust in them to meet those expectations.

It is clear that all my fellow swedes as voters and taxpayers have expectations too, transparency in departments, fair tax systems, care of new borns and protection of the countries borders and markets, these are all represented and protected by the strong voices that will come to form the cabinet.

Pho3nix is not a random choice picked out of a hat, he has served 12 terms in congress, both in Denmark and Sweden, been a former president of Denmark and has been a party president and a soldier on the battlefield as well as a successful industrialist. This gives him unique insight in terms of game experience.

All in all it is not for me in a modern democracy to tell you who to vote for, that is completely your own individual choice and something that we fight hard to protect. But i urge you to vote pho3nix tomorrow for a better future and stronger today.

Signed Carlos

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