When idiocy meets game

Day 3,770, 05:45 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Every occasion is a good opportunity to display vast loads of one's idiocy, so they say.

I've been applying to get eUSA citizenship, in an otherwise dead or zombie game, but what would you expect? Bureaucracy, of the worst kind, 'paperwork' in the form of google, can you believe it? In a game? In a dead game?

I know and I understand that many people around are either children or young people, but, don't try to mimick grown-ups in their worse behaviours: and setting stupid rules on others is one of them.

A game does not have to reenact all the idiocy around you.

(edited hours later)
Wooo hoooo :

Congratulations, your citizenship application in USA has been accepted! You now have the right to vote, join a political party and run in elections.Your companies will now receive productivity bonus for resources found in USA. All your companies employees have been fired.