Weekly Power Rankings #4; Ain't No Substitute for China

Day 1,671, 00:15 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

Welcome to another edition of the eRepublik Power Rankings! Here are the rules; the efforts of the top five countries this week will be recognized, and the five worst performances will be mocked, no exceptions! Countries are recognized for many things, including successful defending, securing strong alliances, and, of course, conquering rivals. Without further ado, let's begin!

Updated as of 23:00 New World Time, Day 1,670

RK (Last)


1 (B5) Serbia

Alright, maybe I doubted the Serbs a bit. The new battle system has not stopped Serbia from pummeling decent competition in Croatia and Italy. After pushing out China at the end of last week, Serbia has yet to lose a battle, and seems poised to control Croatia again and then move on to the rest of the Balkans.

Week rating: 8.4/10

2 (B3) Greece

And who says Greeks were weak? Backed into a corner, Greece made good use of the four-division system, winning close battles to reclaim most of their land with a helping hand from Israel. With only one Greek province left in Macedonian hands, Greece will start moving in on FYROM lands soon. Then again, anything can happen. Stay alert, Greeks!

Week rating: 8.3/10

3 (NR) Chile

The mountain-huggers from South America are rising once again! Chile took advantage of New Zealand's support and quickly reclaimed most of the thin strip of land they call home. With a suddenly weak Argentina as the only obstacle in their path, Chileans have much to look forward to over the course of the week.

Week rating: 7.3/10

4 (B4) Romania

The timeless feud of Romania and Hungary has ebbed in Romania's favor this week, recovering from disappointing losses in the last few weeks and capturing the Southern Great Plain again. It's on par in terms of strength, so managing to push Romania back is all the more impressive. Holding onto their Austrian lands is a nice bonus as well.

Week rating: 7.1/10

5 (H2) Ukraine

It's tough to survive when fighting on two fronts, much less push forward. Slovakia and Moldova combined are a force to be reckoned with, yet Ukraine managed, holding off the Slavs while slowing chewing on Moldova piece by piece. With only one foothold left for Moldova, it looks probable that Ukraine will finish off both countries by the end of the week and possibly push into Serbia.

Week rating: 7.0/10

Honorable Mentions: Spain, Columbia


Just barely good enough: Austria, Portugal

B5 (NR) France

The collapse continues! On the last episode of eRepublik Z, France realized that what it lacked was inside of it all along. France struggled to find the inner strength it possessed and after a long struggle, found its true potential! Sadly, it was no match for its arch-nemesis, Poland, as they quickly crushed any attempt to battle back. Can France restore its honor? Can France even survive? Find out on the next episode of eRepublik Z!

Week rating: 3.1/10

B4 (NR) Italy

While Italy's attempt to add an extra front was valiant, it sadly couldn't stand up to big, bad Serbia, as they quickly lost the gains they had struggled to make over the last week. Down to a insignificant two provinces, it has nothing to offer their alliance other than an occasional RW, which has proved ineffective so far.

Week rating: 2.6/10

B3 (5) Croatia

Croatia, we like the effort and spunk you put into your fight, but face it: you're not China. This fact was made evident over the week, as province after province fell victim to the Serbian menace. Besides some minor consolation to be had in Austria, Croatia has been in freefall ever since China left, and it doesn't look like they'll hit bottom for awhile.

Week rating: 1.7/10

B2 (NR) Argentina

It looked for ages that Argentina was the king of south South America, unbeatable and invincible. Then, they let let two insignificant countries beat them up? No offense to Chileans and kiwis, but they're not exactly the country you cower in fear from, yet Argentina has let them ravage, against all odds. They need to get their act together before they get wiped.

Week rating: 1.1/10


Who knew a Jewish star was FYROM's weak point? After Israel's enter into the fray by capturing Crete, everything's been downhill for the Macedonians, hemorrhaging lands faster than a spoiled teenager hemorrhages money. It's back to status quo for the two rivals, and it's not looking good for the Macedonians. A wipe is ominously close.

Week rating: 0.3/10


Welcome back: South Korea, Saudi Arabia

Sayonara: North Korea

Other notable events:
Spain, Brazil, and the US begin negotiations for a new alliance
Singapore pushes back Malaysia
Poland gains a border with Canada
Brazil liberates southern Columbia
City of Buffalo, NY confirmed to be named after the animal 'buffalo'
I give back to the community, start my first gold sweepstakes

Until next time, take care!