We Will Become A Nation Again.

Day 1,864, 21:54 Published in Australia Argentina by BOUD1CCA

From all that terror teaches,
From lies of tongue and pen,
From all the easy speeches,
That comfort cruel men,
From sale and profanation
Of honour and the sword
From sleep and from damnation,
Deliver us good Lord!
Tie in a living tether,
The prince and priest and thrall,
Bind all our lives together,
Smite us and save us all:
In ire and exultation
Aflame with faith and free,
Lift up a living nation.
A single sword to thee

In my last article I featured Augustina de Aragon I showed her as an example of how I would like to be. Then I had no idea who she was. She was a Spanish heroine who rose to the occasion in fighting the French who had invaded Spain. Everyone else was killed but she ran up and fired a cannon at the French who broke off their attack & ran away. All I can say is that she was lucky, the French discipline & elan must have been unravelling at that time otherwise she would have ended up another corpse

If only getting rid of Chileans was that easy

But, Madame Teresa DeFage is who I relate to. A fictional character this time, portrayed as fanatical, bloodthirsty and obsessed with revenge. In pictures she is portrayed as a mad cat lady type of person sans cats. (compared to Agustina de Aragon who is always shown as heroic and beautiful)
Yet this could not have been the case, she had a chip on her shoulder. But she carefully planned for 20 years to bring the revolution about. Obviously such an effort requires discipline charisma & cunning.

This Madam deFage would have certainly have carried out this type of thing

The Revolutionary Council have decreed Oldfag, you don't use your brain.So you don't need your head

But its not fair 🙁 Incompetence is not a crime.
Its a virtue, enshrined in Oldfag convention & Tradition

But that’s not me. Our revolution is not aimed at people. We do not represent nutters & anarchists

This is More the Madam deFage I would be like, fanatical in a sort of hot way but underneath it compassionate

ALL Australians are valuable and should be cherished and encouraged.
What we want to get rid of is NOT the people but the OLDFAG system. Otherwise we will end up with a NEWFAG system which is the same as the OLDFAG one without the experience.

We badly need one Australia. All this attacking of people and not systems has GOT to stop.
A lot of the trouble in our boards and forum is the conflicting requirements of our existence. A system like ancient Sparta (if all you know of Sparta is "The 300", stop reading now) or the Hittites, where the will of the individual is subsumed to the will of the the State.
A system that is effective but totally alien to all Australians hold dear.

But we can work our way around this. What is required is trust and cooperation, where ALL Australians get a say in the running of our country.

Please people next elections for our CP vote Xavier Griffith our candidate. Truley only he can lead us out of the “same old same old” rut we are stuck in
And Liberty agrees just for Mr Crumpets