Vote Tex in Oklahoma! Keep What You Earn!

Day 1,431, 21:24 Published in USA USA by Texas_ironman93
Hooray For Government!

Have you taken a look at the Tax Rates Recently? Go ahead take a look I'll still be here.

Are you back? Good! Did you see anything weird? Maybe the fact that 25% of everything you earn is taken each day? I make $118 a day, I work in the food RM industry, do the math.

But now Tex, you're a rich miserly oldfag! Why do you care?
Our current system is set up to just have communes. I don't work in a commune. I fight. It's really taking a toll on my monies.

But what would electing you do? You're just one man!
It would be a small step towards keeping more money that you earn!

You Know You Want To Vote For Me

It's time for a a R3VOLution!

Amurika Fuck Yeah!