Vote General Cartman Lee – Real Leadership!

Day 1,657, 20:11 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee
LIVE Updated Poll Results:

My Fellow Americans,

This will be my final article before the Presidential Election on Tuesday, June 5th. This is the most divided election in recent memory, and I believe it is the best chance we have ever had to bring real leadership and change to our nation. I can’t do this alone. I need the faith and confidence of the American people. If you are tired of the politics of hate, division, and the failed policies of the past, then it is time for a new kind of leader. As your President, I will defend our nation, and I will be a President that listens to all its people, from a newborn newbie all the way up to my cabinet. The question you have to ask yourself is simple; do you want a player like Henry “Pfeiffer” Arundel to pull the strings of Israel Stevens, his handpicked candidate to be President? Or do you want a player who is beholden to no one but the citizens of our great country? Vote General Cartman Lee for a more united, positive America!

It is time that our nation has a new kind of leader. GloveIsLove, Admin bless him, means well, but I believe I am the right candidate to take on Stevens and defeat him. Cromstar’s star has long since faded over the horizon, and he has a history of being a very disingenuous person. It is paramount that the forces of liberty who oppose another month of United States Commu… oops, I mean Workers Party… General Secretary Pfeiffer’s stranglehold on the Presidency, unite to win this election! It is an uphill climb, but with YOUR help, we can WIN! It is time that the American people wake up and say no more to a handful of elites in smoke filled IRC rooms making decisions in their interests first, and in the interests of the American people second. As your President I will never forget that I am there to represent you. This is foremost a matter of public service, and it should always be treated as such. Never forget what our country is supposed to be.

Let this be the moment that we take our country back! A month of Israel Stevens is essentially a third term for Artela. The cabinet will be filled with the same old faces, the White House press briefings will be focused on an unhealthy obsession with me, your taxes will continue to stay higher than most of the world, more of your money will continue to be spent on lining the pockets of the friends of those in power, the details of which you are not even informed about. This does NOT have to be. Instead, we can choose a new path for our nation.

Do you believe that we can have the best economy on the face of the eWorld?

Do you believe that we can grow our population and have an American baby boom?

Do you believe that the cabinet should be a mixture of people with different backgrounds, skills, and experience who will make this a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people?

Do you believe that our country can be the superpower of the world in eRepublik like it is in real life?

If the answer to all these questions is yes, then my friends, I think you know what to do.

Vote General Cartman Lee for President of the United States of America
United We Stand