Vote For Chewie. Vote For Yourself.

Day 1,750, 08:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by MrConway
Citizens of Ireland,

I am asking you to vote for ChewChewShoe on the 5th of Septemeber.


This man since arriving on Irish shores has been nothing more than an asset to our nation. Having already held the Presidential position as well as being Minister of Defence and Minister of Foreign Affairs, makes him the most experienced candidate we have. While the other candidates may have experience in internal affairs, this country needs a military leader. We need a leader who can stand up for us the people and tell the world what we want, who we are and what we believe in as a single nation.

Over the time I’ve known ChewChewShoe I have learned that he is a vocal individual, he is proud and most importantly, he has balls.

ChewChewShoe aims to implement GloveisLoves’s Direct Democracy into Ireland, something that will give us the people a chance to voice what we really want. The fate of our nation will be put into our hands. We can elect our Government, we can choose who we go to war with, we the people will have a voice, we will have the choice.

By voting for ChewChewShoe you are not voting for just him, you are voting for Ireland,

You are voting for yourself, the citizen.

Do what is right. Vote Chewie.