Troop orders and temporary emperor

Day 188, 15:26 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Dio Brando

I will be available for a while tomorrow, but after that i will not be available for contact for an undetermined amount of time. I will probably get a connection in 7 days, so do not worry. Until then, Kurotsuchi Mayuri is in charge, and his word is mine.

Follow only Mayuri and Falcon when making decisions. That goes for citizens as well as foreign diplomats.

As for squad 1-3, your orders will be given to you by your squad leaders. Squad X, become temporary members of one of the mobile squads. Choose the most awesome one. For you who does not know, squad leaders are Altnabla, Beeman and Rimtlan.

And also, who the hell is Jemtlandica and how can he insult us with only 3 strength?