Trolujem posle 12

Day 1,515, 15:52 Published in Serbia Romania by Don Ori


Ostvarili smo sjajnu pobedu na oba fronta. Iako su nas napali opet posle ponoci kao prave....


Ali, primetio sam da se niko nije zapitao sta se desilo sa Lompelom sinoc i zasto ga nismo videli , kao i otkud samo dasak njegovog tenkovanja danas? Don Ori se pobrinuo za to 😉 Recimo da je on na sigurnom...
Ako vas i dalje interesuje gde je on, kliknite ovde 😃

ENG version

Great victory on both fronts. Even though we were attacked after midnight by some....

But, i have noticed that no one wondered what happened to Lompel last night and why there was no sign of him, and also,how come he barely made any kills today? Don Ori took care of it 😉 Lets just say he is on safe...

If you are still interested where he is, just press here 😃