Top 100 Fighters statistics - Day 1470

Day 1,471, 04:49 Published in Indonesia Serbia by drago.14

Selamat malam!

Here are some statistics about the Top 100 Fighters of Day 1470. First, the basic statistics about Day 1470 can be found. The first table shows the top 25 fighters of the day, the second table shows the sum of influence dealt by Top 100 fighters with given citizenship, the third gives the number of fighters on the Top 100 list with given citizenship.

Remark: Citizenship means in-game citizenship!

Sum of influence of the Top 100 Fighters: 338 758 295
Minimum: 2 214 980
Maximum: 17 986 138

Top 25 fighters:

Countries ranked by influence made by Top 100 Fighters:

Countries ranked by the number of citizens on the Top 100 Fighters list:

You can find the complete list of the top 100 players here: Click!