Thought From The Afterlife

Day 5,405, 18:16 Published in USA USA by Max Tse Tung

"Outside The Wall"

“All alone or in twos
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall

Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists make their stand

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall

Isn't this where we...”

Don’t mourn the lost, they gave you the world you have now.

The one splits into two.

The Unity of Opposites takes root.

They interpenetrate eachother and there lies a singular whole anew.

Everything you are you owe to those who came before you, yet you are and identity onto itself.

There is the world before you, yet you yourself are apart of it.

Look both inward and outward for meaning, but do not taint the rest in that pursuit.

All they had to lose was their chains, and they lost them.

All you have to loose are your chains, and you too will lose them.

All power to the people, count yourself among them.

Go among the people and befriend the advanced.

Go among the people and get to know the intermediates.

Go among the people and draw swords against the backward.

Go among the people and become one of them.