There Once Was a Troll...

Day 712, 17:07 Published in South Africa USA by Champinator

And his name was Exilious. He roamed the hallowed halls of the eSA Congress many times before he finally became a TROLL. His hair turned icky, his teeth rotten, and he started to smell... like Ajay! *gasp* As the responsible and well maintained Congressmen walked through the halls to their various meetings, Exilious the Troll would stop them and scream at them. "Join EDEN! Get our regions back! I'm the new President! I can decide what's right for eSA!" The intelectual Congressmen looked down on him with disgust. One day Exilious went too far. He roamed into the Negotiations room and started talking to EDEN representatives. "RAWR! Help eSA and p*** off eIndo. Screw up eSA foreign policy and our image!" "NO!!!!" screamed the Congressmen. "Pull out the BAN-hammer and put this beast out of it's misery. Make sure eSA is safe once again" said Enoch. "YAY! Enoch you're so sexy! We all love you!" rejoiced the citizens of eSA.
And that is the story of how the evil troll, Exilious, got banned. The End.

P.S.- link to discussion of killing the evil troll: