The way things are going

Day 1,991, 18:05 Published in Denmark Sweden by carlos

I write this not as a congress member but as a concerned citizen of the kingdom of Denmark. Our country is largely stagnant, the passion having been vested in only a few citizens. This is of great concern to me, as this is a social strategy game that knows no end and where the long term view must prevail. Over the past couple of months, I have been called a liar, a cheat, a tax dodger and an overall irresponsible person. I have had my ministry dissolved and my reputation besmirched, and yet I still have not lost the passion for this community. And in fact it has given me renewed hope as to its future, fore if people speak up, in any way, then we are making progress towards an inclusive system.

But, I fear for our present situation, and one that indeed I can say from my observations is echoed across many different countries in this world. This issue is that not just activity but coherent arguments from bright minds are being lost because people either see silence as agreement or see disagreement as being wrong because it goes against the current of seemingly prevailing thought.

This has got to change lest we become a nation run by a small panel of elites, where the rest of us turn up in newspaper article comments or a one line blurb on the forum. Just because you are not a congressman or minister or a veteran player does not mean that the opinions you express are not valid or that they do not in some way contribute towards a well rounded idea.

Therefore today I announce, inspired by Percival and Pho3nixes original idea, I will become an official pain for the government. I will disagree with every policy that is presented, no matter how coherent and I will do my best to see it in to oblivion. The exceptions to this would be if a united front is needed such as PTO etc. If you wish to join me in my quest to bring heartache to many then let me know. If this does not increase debate and at least unify people against a pain then I will have to figure something else out. The intention to this is to give confidence to people to make their voices heard and not become sheep and just follow but be individual and lead themselves so that they may learn to lead others. I wish everyone good luck and may the best person win!