The US Economy in peril?

Day 144, 11:26 Published in USA USA by Justinious McWalburgson III

I've hesitated over than line, thought hard about wether it was true enough to write down.

Yes i believe the US Economy is in trouble, maybe not now but in the near future.
Changes need to be made, and not at just the Federal level. Without trying to sound cliche. Everyone needs to do their own part.

The US Economy may be a strong one, but it is young and growing. This new war we are now in the middle of is putting considerable stress on what we have.

Some basic National Essentials are in order. In these times of war and global and political unrest. It is unlikely we can depend on those in other nations to help us.
What we need is more hospitals, Higher Quality Food and Gifts. Not only for our soldiers, but for the sake of the Nation as a whole.

We have some new founded civil unrest in the United States, I sympathize for the now Canadian-Americans, but taking out your anger on your new Society and Government isn't going to change anything. I will be the first to say, we need to work together, and bring peace to what we have started.
Then we can move forward to a stronger and safer future.

More Ideas and plans to come, stay posted. -Justinious