The United Kingdom Invades Canada

Day 604, 18:38 Published in Austria Austria by Rangeley

In what is easily the largest twist in the early days of World War, the United Kingdom has joined the battle on the side of PEACE GC. Though the Prime Minister of Britain had maintained until recently that the deal with Hungary was purely for a training war, in an official statement issued today he said "The UK has chosen it's side, and it is in favour of the French and her Allies. To protect them, and to make their assault on Canada far more successful." They moved in to occupy Nova Scotia to prevent further attempts from the allies to retake it, barring an official declaration of war.

The full implications of this move have yet to be seen, including how much it will actually aid the advance. Forces from PEACE GC, including a small contingent of Austrians, landed and successfully took Prince Edward Island earlier - but the island was largely uncontested. The larger battle took place in Alaska, where Russians were successfully repelled by the allied defenders. This proved to be the first setback for the PEACE GC invasion - and was quickly followed by a second attempt to take the territory which is currently ongoing. Forces from PEACE GC are additionally fighting Canadian defenders in Newfoundland, where the Canadians defensive wall has yet to be breached.

Questions also remain as to which force truly has the upper hand. Some have begun to speculate that PEACE GC may soon reach it's high water mark due to the nature of it's mission. While Hungary experienced a population boom in response to a Romanian invasion of Hungary earlier this year, the same appears to be happening in the United States, where recruitment is reaching record levels - outpacing Hungary's by a rate of 4-1. As PEACE GC's mission shifts from a fresh, new invasion to a protracted occupation, the mission of the United States and other allies will remain compelling - a defense of the homeland.

Additional political effects could also have an impact, as the Prime Minister of the UK is already drawing the ire of critics within his country over his decision. The Austrian Independent will follow these events as they develop.