the Truth behind RF Williams and Phil harmony's bluster

Day 3,525, 04:15 Published in USA USA by Dethicon

the SFP as a whole there are some good people like Jimmy Cincinnati and Komeko who had I polite debate about the merits of E-communism but there are 2 complete boneheads that are giving the party such a negative reputation it will take them ages if not forever to completely change it that would be RF Williams and Phil harmony both social "Revolutionaries" with no real gripe except they don't like the meta congress yet acting like the meta congress is a terrible thing that only seeks to oppress which has been proven the opposite on numerous occasions here in other countries and on other games.
They think that the SFP is being oppressed and that the people who predominantly find people like him and Phil harmony completely annoying and just want both of them to shut up must stand with them because the "big bad meta congress" is abusing their powers even though not once has been proven the case and is just a tool by the idiotic revolutionist that are using as a scapegoat to take power instead of working to build actual support among the people they try to scare them into believing they must rise against the government with the SFP at the forefront.
here is a quote from their "leader Phil Harmony"
NO TO "peaceful co-existence", NO TO "respecting imperialism!

No to pig-revisionism and meta-slavery!

F R E E D O M !"
Does that sound like the words of a sane person? it doesn't you're right it sounds like the words of a complete blowhard who seeks his own personal power at the sake of the people he claims to be "liberating"
These 2 aren't revolutionaries they are fools who only seek to stir the pot I say stand up against them and hopefully they will go away