The SSE - What we stand for

Day 1,773, 08:38 Published in Belgium Belgium by shadowukcs

Dear eBelgians,

Yesterday a new party has been launched and a create😛 the SSE - Supreme Syndicate of Elitists. A totalitarian militaristic party who demands obedience and resists all oppressors and tyrants.

If you, when reading this article, think that eBelgium is NOT boring, then by all means, stop reading...
If you, when reading this article, think that eBelgium is NOT horribly governed, then by all means, stop reading...
If you, when reading this article, think that eBelgium is NOT filled with whiners and people who abuse their power, then by all means, stop reading...
If you, when reading this article, think that eBelgium is NOT filled with people who have forgotten this is only a game, then by all means, stop reading...
And If you, when reading this article, think that eBelgium is NOT due to a drastic change, then by all means, stop reading...

Those of you who still are reading and agree with the points above: The SS is something for you.

We are not just a party. We are a militaristic organisation. We are a syndicate, a group of who can be described as dissidents, traitors, madmen, war criminals, gangsters and all the scum of the earth...

but what we really are... what those fakers, conmen and closet hero's can't see, is that we are true patriots. We brush our teeth with whiskey, piss napalm and wipe our asses with barbwire.

What we stand for is to end the bullshit in eBelgium. Make an end to the shit that's been infesting this society for too long. Root out the cancer in this community that manifests itself in the form of fear and paranoia. The SSE aren't politicians, we are soldiers who know no fear.

What we stand for

Stop the bullshit paranoia immigration laws, invite fresh blood into eBE. Only then we can grow.

Stop the silly foreign policy this government is conducting. Stop bending over to greater powers. This is a game. Let's attack someone or something, see how it goes and have some real fun in the process.

Stop the silly friend politics and power abuse by corrupt politicans.

Stop the crybabies on the forum like NLSP and Nohjis who go crying out to the SC every 5 minutes when they don't get what they want. WE DO NOT EVEN RESPECT YOUR COURTS.

Most of all, Stop seeing this game as replacement for your RL, we can't help it you have a miserable and failed Real Life! This is a game, play it like one!

Those who oppose us, be warned. We are the few, the proud... the Elite. We are the SSE and we're going to bulldoze down the rotten peces of this society.

Join us, or oppose us!

There's two sides to every fist, chose wisely which one you chose!

For Glory
For Honor
For Death
For eBelgium!


one loyal follower