The *second* saddest day in eRepublik history

Day 1,529, 03:17 Published in USA Switzerland by Trogdorthetroll100

On this day, 1529 of the new world, there will be no apperences by Pizza the Hut. Ajay Bruno, the famous visionary, fearless leader, and tireless fighter against dictators and elitists world-wide, has met his end, and is now permanently banned.

This is a sad day for the international community, and I do declare today the official PtH memorial day. His great struggle for freedom shall not be forgotten, and his spirit lives on in us.

Wait, Did I say lives on in us? He's still here! Silly me. Thank the lord for this

Trololololol, PtH is blown
Now all Draak has to do it get Oblige banned!
