The Republican Party is Reborn!

Day 1,640, 16:53 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

I am pleased to announce the long overdue return of the Republican Party!

We have found a new home and the Party President has kindly agreed to my terms and is looking forward to everyone coming over and joining us!

We also have the #usrp room that we have used for a long time, so now it actually matches up with the party name. I figured since I am a high ranking Republican Party operative in real life, that this made sense to do it in eRepublik as well!

The Republican Party is proud to be the only one which has been singled out and publicly flogged in an article written by Plato. It is one which we have always worn as a badge of honor.

This party will stand for principled, conservative solutions to America's problems, and we hope that YOU will join us!

While Zotza is Party President, I will be coordinating much of our actual operations and will act as Party Chairman. We will also be establishing a Republican National Committee, so let me know if you are interested in being a part of it! 🙂

Join here:

Let's build a better America!
General Cartman Lee
RNC Chairman