The New Changes

Day 1,175, 14:57 Published in USA Poland by code0011

So, if you're expecting a brilliant article of epic proportions, you might as well vote, sub, and go away. It's late where I'm writing from, and I want to go to bed.
As the title sugests, this is about the new changes. I think they are for the better, but I am a part of the vast army of people who want 10 gold for every company they own, even though I see that it evenss out to about the same cost, if not more in the long run if you want a new company. However, I thik there is one major flaw, which incidently I've been taking advantage of. When you buy a company from the admins, you used to have to put a deposit of 20 gold in, on top of the original price, however now itis just 10 gold. What will happen, probably moreso after this article, is that people buy a new company, work in it, sell the company (having collected the pure profit off the old one) and repeat. The richer you are, the more often you can do it. Simple process. Buy, work, collect, sell, repeat. Buy for 10 gold, make $30, of which you collect about $24 and sell for either above 10 gold (yes, people do buy more expensive than admin price), or very slightly under, like 9.99 gold, and still make a profit.
This probably made no sense, and for that I apologize,
Remember to vote and sub,